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Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Weight Loss Articles informative and helpful.

Sleep and Weight Loss Connection

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Sleep and weight loss are directly linked in several different ways. Do you find that you have more difficulty curbing your hunger when you are tired? Do you crave sweets and have even less will-power to avoid them when you've been tossing and turning all night? Sleep and Weight Loss Success Are Directly Linked This diet-busting behaviour has been clinically...

Before You Purchase Adipex

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If you intend to purchase Adipex, there are quite a few things that you should know in advance.  To begin, you should know whether this prescription obesity drug is actually appropriate for you.  That said, even if it looks as though your situation ticks all the necessary boxes to receive a prescription from your doctor, it’s still vital not to...

Top Adipex Alternative in 2020

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The journey to find the top Adipex alternative diet pills in 2020 can feel daunting, to say the least.  In fact, if all you’ve done is a quick search online, then the odds are that you’re feeling pretty overwhelmed.  Fortunately, making your way to the solution you’re looking for isn’t as difficult as you think.  The trick is to ask...

Weight Loss Surgery Abroad

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Weight Loss Surgery abroad in other countries is a growing trend, as is medical travel in general. There are many options for weight loss and surgery is a drastic measure that is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. Most doctors will not permit nor perform weight loss surgery unless a patient is obese, has a high body...

Weight Loss in Your 40s

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Weight loss when you’re in your 40s can come with a surprising additional challenge over what you may have experienced at earlier times in your life.  Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you need to face horrible struggles.  You just need to have the right strategy on your side. After all, there are lots of great things about being in your...

User Rating: 5 / 5

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There are more ways to lose weight than one.  You may see ads telling you that there is one and only method to use if you want to get it right.  Your best friend may rave about how amazing this particular technique may be.  You may even have tried something successfully in the past.  That said, it doesn’t mean that...

User Rating: 5 / 5

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Bone loss is an important issue to consider if you’re thinking about weight loss surgery.  If you are a candidate for one of these procedures, be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor before you get started. What Research Shows About Weight Loss Surgery and Bone Loss There is brand new evidence that patients are experiencing significant bone loss...

User Rating: 5 / 5

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It’s extremely unlikely that you’ll be surprised that yes, there is a scientifically confirmed link between weight gain and stress. After all, the term “stress eating” needs to lead to something if it lasts too long.  That said, the connection between these two things goes beyond just eating a huge amount of ice cream after having a bad day. The...

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Smoking cessation and weight gain feel as though they are unavoidably linked.  After all, aside from withdrawal symptoms, gaining extra body fat is the most common concern among people who are trying to quit. If you are one of many people who quit smoking only to then pack on the pounds, here’s the good, the bad and the ugly of...

Dietary Fat Requirements to Achieve Healthy Weight Loss

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You might be thinking that all fat is bad for you, and that you need to avoid as much of it as possible in order to slim down and keep the weight off. But the opposite is actually true. There are certain dietary fat requirements that you need to meet in order to keep your body in a state of...

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Amogn all the things going on in your life - work, taking care of the kids, household chores, etc. - who has time to think about planning a healthy diet? The answer is simpler than you think. You do! These helpful hints will show you how to cut corners (as well as calories) so that planning for a healthy diet is simple...

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Though weight loss when you’re carrying too much excess body fat is typically considered to be a good move for anyone, it is especially important if you have diabetes.  That said, dropping the pounds when you’ve received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis can be a little bit tricky as a result of the condition.  Still, weight loss can actually improve...

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Stomaphyx is a type of weight loss surgery sometimes used by obesity patients.  It is meant to help them to more effectively control their food intake to make it easier to lose weight.  This is meant for people who have already undergone another form of procedure, called a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.  It is not a surgery meant to be used...

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The first step towards losing weight safely is to visit your doctor or dietician. They will work with you to determine your “healthy weight” and will let you know if your weight loss goals are both realistic and safe. You can also get started yourself by calculating this using the Healthy Weight Calculator. If it turns out that you can benefit...

User Rating: 4 / 5

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There is a great deal of information out there about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to dieting. In fact, every diet on the planet has the “Best Tips” for their program to be a successful diet and that includes tips for dining out on a diet and how to treat your self to a meal away from...

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Unfortunately, weight loss is not easy, but there are a number of tips you can follow that will make dieting easier. The following suggestions can help you to swap out some of the foods you’ve been eating that are leading to weight gain in favor of some that will help you to cut back on the pounds, instead.  These 3...

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Eating while you watch TV is a very quick way of putting on weight because you can easily eat more than you should, plus the kinds of foods that your unconscious mind associates with watching TV are often fat-creating foods. Many people dine in front of the TV at least a few nights a week. This makes it even more...

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Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent worldwide every year advertising low fat diets, yet in Australia alone, 50 percent of the population is obese. ACA meets a man who is trying to tear down the low-fat dogma — he's claiming our obsession with no or low fat food has actually helped us pile on the pounds.  Dr Robert Harris...

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Incorporating healthy snacks into a meal plan can be done easily when worked into the whole day's meal plan. Snack foods should be eaten in moderation. The serving size and type of snack is the most important part when choosing what to snack on. Healthy Snack Ideas By choosing snacks that are low fat and high in complex carbohydrates, snacks...

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Are you losing fat or water weight?  This is a more important question than you may realize.  In fact, knowing that this question should be asked in the first place can help you to better understand the process of your weight control and what might happen along that road.   After all, as obvious as dieting may seem, it is far...

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