Best Tips for Weight Loss in your 40s
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Weight loss when you’re in your 40s can come with a surprising additional challenge over what you may have experienced at earlier times in your life. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you need to face horrible struggles. You just need to have the right strategy on your side.
After all, there are lots of great things about being in your forties. Your life experience alone has given you more self confidence, self awareness and hard-earned wisdom. It’s a point in which many adults feel they’ve solidly hit their stride in terms of knowing themselves and living their lives. That said, the physical changes can’t be denied.
Changes that Make Weight Loss in Your 40s Different
There are many physical changes that start to occur more detectably while you’re in your forties. In the area of weight management, the main one is that your metabolism starts to slow down. A slower metabolism can mean that weight loss in your 40s can be a bit trickier to master. That said, you can absolutely burn through excess fat at any time in your life. It’s best done while gradually and consistently building an overall wellness lifestyle.
Does this mean that you need to eat kale every day and exercise until you collapse? Not at all. That said, it may mean that you will need to tidy up certain habits that are currently causing your weight struggles, so that they will work in your favor, instead.
Don’t Go to Extremes
Since weight loss in your 40s can be more challenging, this may make you want to go to more extreme measures to get results. The techniques you used to use aren’t working, so it’s tempting to want to try extreme fasts, very low calorie diets, excessively slashing carbs, taking on daily power workouts, or other similar steps.
The problem with that mindset is that it is thinking in the very short term. Beyond a few days or even a week, these efforts will only cause more harm to your metabolic rate and can be highly destructive to your motivation levels. It’s far better – and easier – to avoid extremes in favor of slow and steady changes that will provide you with slow and steady results you’ll be able to maintain over time. You’ll build habits you can keep up for years to come to be sure that once that unwanted fat is gone, you won’t see it again.