Activity Calorie Calculator
- Weight Loss Tools
- Hits: 44971
The number of Calories in the foods that we eat and the number of Calories that we use determines whether we will lose weight or gain weight. The extra Calories that we consume are generally stored as fat in our body. To maintain a steady weight, the number of Calories in our food must be equal the number of Calories that we use through exercise, excrete as wastes, body oils, ejaculates, menstrual flow, or use for renewal of skin, hair, nails, and other organ tissues. To lose weight, we must consume fewer Calories than our body needs so that our stored body fat is used to meet a portion our caloric needs.
Can you burn off that donut you had this morning before it becomes extra poundage? Find out what you can do to burn off those extra calories using the Activity Calorie Calculator below!
Calculating Calories Burned During Activity
NOTE: Figures are based on moderate (as opposed to vigorous) activity.
A heavier person burns more calories, so the same amount of physical activity can actually burn the same number of calories but more quickly.
Determining how many calories you burn is not an exact science. This number should only be used as an estimate of calorie expenditure.