Non-Prescription Stress Relief Options
- Mental Health
- Hits: 7856
Each and every person who is alive today has to deal with some kind of stress. It is a natural part of life itself. But could you imagine if everyone raced to the doctor’s office for a prescription for this common issue? The lines would be endless, and the service would no doubt be shoddy, to say the least. Fortunately, non-prescription stress relief options exist and are available to everyone.
Which of These Non-Prescription Stress Relief Options Are Best for You?
These alternatives are tried and true, and they are always readily available. The key is to decide which of these non-prescription stress relief options are right for you. Which ones will you practice regularly and fit into your lifestyle? Have a look at this list and find the options that best suit your stress-busting needs.
1. Meditation
You might be surprised how effective some mindful meditation can be when it comes to relieving your stress. As one of the most relaxing non-prescription stress relief options available, meditation can be tailored to your specific needs. Don’t know anything about meditation? There are numerous classes offered at local gyms and other establishments in almost every city in the world. In fact, you don’t even need to look beyond your phone or computer to learn about them for the first time. There are some great sites, videos and apps meant for everybody including beginners.
2. Exercise
It is a scientifically proven fact that exercise is one of the best non-prescription stress relief options that you can pursue. When you work out, you release mood-enhancing hormones known as endorphins into your body. These are what gives you elevated energy levels and a happier demeanor overall, which can improve your self-image over time as well.
3. Laughter
Have you ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? Well, it is quite true, and there is a lot of science to back it up. Participating in or watching something hilarious is one of the most effective and enjoyable methods of reducing stress. The secret is to let yourself find something humorous by letting go of your inhibitions. This very act is what is ultimately responsible for the benefits of laughter.
4. Sex
Many people do not know this, but there are actually over a dozen health benefits to having orgasm. Among those benefits are elevated mood, headache reduction, and reduced stress and cortisol levels. On top of that, it is a form of exercise. Non-prescription stress relief just got a whole lot more fun!
5. Music Therapy
The type of music to which we choose to listen at any given moment is directly tied to our moods and heart rate. If we are stressed out, we will listen to something that matches that mindset. This also means that we can change our moods easily by simply switching up our music choice in that moment. It might feel odd at first, but your body and mind will eventually morph to the mood of the music.
6. Zanaprin
If you would like to try a naturally formulated product to help relieve stress, then Zanaprin is one of the safest and most effective options. It is available online without a prescription and works to calm the mind and reduce anxiety levels with strong results.
7. Sleep
Getting a good quality sleep on a regular basis can make a world of difference to your ability to cope with stress. Being well rested changes your hormonal balance, which helps to dictate how well you will be able to respond to and deal with the stresses that occur in your life. If you’re not getting the rest you need, a sleep aid like ZIESTA can make a substantial difference to making sure you’re restful at night and can get the sleep you need. If you’re struggling with a chronic sleep struggle, it’s highly recommended that you speak with a doctor, as there could be an underlying condition interrupting your rest but that is more than likely straightforward to correct.
Non-Prescription Stress Relief Requires Practice
Remember that non-prescription stress relief isn’t just something that can be flicked on like a switch. Take care of yourself, get the rest you need, practice mindfulness like meditation and keep the other items on this list in mind so that you can use them regularly. Keeping ahead of things so you’re prepared to cope with stressors is a far better technique than waiting until you feel overwhelmed. Be consistent and you’ll find that you will be increasingly able to manage and thrive.