Tips for Weight Loss When Diabetes is a Factor
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Though weight loss when you’re carrying too much excess body fat is typically considered to be a good move for anyone, it is especially important if you have diabetes. That said, dropping the pounds when you’ve received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis can be a little bit tricky as a result of the condition.
Still, weight loss can actually improve – or even reverse – your diabetes if done in a healthy way and with long-term maintenance in mind when choosing a diet program. This can reduce the common or even serious complications that have been linked with the condition.
Weight Loss and Diabetes Risk Are Highly Linked
It’s estimated that about 9 out of every 10 people who have received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis is either overweight or also suffers from obesity. As a result, it is more than likely that one of the treatment recommendations a doctor will make upon diagnosis is weight loss.
This recommendation should be treated seriously. It can make a substantial difference to the effectiveness of other treatments. It can also help you to take control over many factors with regards to this disease. Among them is reducing the insulin resistance that can occur when excess adipose tissue is present on the body. Insulin resistance occurs when your body is not able to properly use the insulin hormone for sugar metabolism. That can lead to a spectrum of other health struggles, including further weight gain and more difficult fat burning.
Tips for Reducing Excess Body Fat
The following tips can be very helpful in improving your progress and outcome for weight loss when you have diabetes. Consider each one and see how many you can healthfully add to your lifestyle to reach your goal and stop the pounds from climbing back on.
1 – Talk to Your Doctor for Weight Loss Guidance with Diabetes
If you have diabetes and your doctor has recommended weight loss, take the time to speak to them about the safest and appropriate methods for you. Not all dieting strategies or products are safe for people with this medical condition. Therefore, it’s important to get the facts and start with a solid foundation. This will include your doctor’s guidance.
2 – Speak with Nutrition Experts with Experience in Meal Planning for Diabetes
Your doctor is only the jumping off point when it comes to experts you can consult for weight loss when you have diabetes. Consider talking to a dietitian who can guide you in choosing meals and snacks you will enjoy while they still support you in reaching your goal.
3 – Make Lifestyle Changes for the Long-Term
Don’t just commit to losing the weight to help your diabetes. That’s only the first step. Weight management is a long-term lifestyle change. It is what will allow you to keep the pounds from returning and will make certain you’re maintaining a healthy body with low risks associated with your condition.