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Diet and Nutrition Articles

Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Diet & Nutrition Articles informative and helpful.

Top Nutrition Tips for Older Men

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Though there are some aspects of diet that work for everyone, there are also some specific nutrition tips for older men that you should be aware of. If you want to defy the aging process and keep yourself your youngest and best, then what you eat can really matter. In all honesty, many men don’t pay as close of attention...

  The Benefits of a Time-Restricted Diet

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There are many different diet plans out there right now, and all of them seem to work for at least some people. As time goes on, there seems to be an influx in “answers” to the obesity problem that plagues most of the world. However, modern science is still trying to figure out the governing principles of the healthy human...

The FDA's New Calorie Labeling Rules

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Although the plan to implement new calorie labeling rules has been in the pipeline since 2010, due to several reasons it has not reached the implementation stage. The idea behind the new rule is that people eat almost a third of their calories outside their homes without a clue as to the calorie content of the food they are putting...

How to Create a Diet Plan That You Can Stick To

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Just about anyone can create workable eating habits, but developing a diet plan that you can stick to is a little bit more of a challenge. You have to practice some patience, maintain a little finesse, and sustain your motivation for quite a long time. For some unfortunately unprepared people, this is a seemingly impossible task; thus, achieving weight loss...

How Are Dietary Recommendations Bad for the Environment?

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We are all given a bunch of dietary recommendations that we are expected to follow in order to maintain our good health and longevity. As responsible people who are concerned with our well-being, we most likely follow these guidelines, often to the letter. However, nobody seems to be talking about the harm that these dietary recommendations are doing to the...

Southern-Style Diet Detrimental to Individuals with Kidney Disease

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To people who enjoy a Southern-style diet, it may just be a way of life. Those from the South or with family from the South know that this is a diet rich in flavors. It’s the type of food that sticks to your bones and from which family traditions are made. Therefore, it’s also what some people get used to...

Prevent Morning Sickness with Your Diet

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If you are pregnant, then you know firsthand that you want to prevent morning sickness quickly and easily. This is a very common symptom and side effect of pregnancy, but a frustrating one nonetheless. It can be downright debilitating for women going through pregnancy to try to deal with this condition and still function on a daily basis. For many...

Study Shows That a Low-Carb Vegan Diet Can Reduce Heart Disease Risk

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If an expert came up to you and said, “Changing the way you eat could save your life,” would you listen? Recent scientific studies show that a low-carb vegan diet can actually reduce heart disease risk in most people. You read right: switching up the way you eat could ultimately spell the difference between life and death. Forget what you...

How to Bring Healthier Foods to Your Child's School Cafeteria

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As a parent, you want to think that your kids are eating well, but can you be sure of that when they are in the school cafeteria? The reality is that there has been an overhaul at many of these cafeterias, which is a welcome change. Though there has been a lot of work done, however, there is still plenty...

Is Red Wine Really Good for You?

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When people give advice about good health, some things seem like they are too good to be true—like drinking red wine as a protective measure. You hear all the time that there are superfoods and that these alone can help to offer you tremendous health benefits. By eating these foods, or in this case drinking them, you will help to...

Should Your Child Be on a Gluten-Free Diet?

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It seems as though more and more parents are switching themselves and their children to a gluten-free diet while other parents are still in the dark as to why this trend is so popular. Many folks are now finally asking themselves, “Should my child be on a gluten-free diet?” On closer inspection, it does seem that there is plenty of...

The Potential Health Risks of the Paleo Diet

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It seems as if every month gives us a new diet trend. While most of these trends seem to be regurgitations of the usual “eat right and work out” diets, there is one diet out there that is very different. This one is called the paleo diet. The paleo diet is where you eat nothing but protein, fruits, and vegetables....

Can You Still Eat Junk Food and Lose Weight?

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Many of us who are on the verge of dieting will contemplate what it’s going to take for us to lose weight. Some people have been blessed with an inability to gain weight and have been on a junk food frenzy all their lives. Therefore, the question of whether you can still eat junk food and lose weight comes to...

10 Foods That Promote Eye Health

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If you are concerned--or thinking ahead--about maintaining or improving your vision, then you want to include foods that promote eye health. You really are what you eat in this regard, as certain foods have a direct and dramatic impact on how your eye health. If you include these helpful foods in your diet, you can improve your eye health now...

Herpes Prevention Diet

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There are many types of herpes viruses that can be in the human body. Though most people think of genital herpes, there are also other types each person can have. Some cause nothing more than a cold sore once in a while, but that can still be extremely irritating. Some conditions are caused by different herpes strains like the chicken...

Do Vegetables Contain Protein?

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Though many people are referring to some form of meat when they discuss this macronutrient, there are also many different sources of vegetable protein that are very healthy and can be much more friendly to a heart friendly, low cholesterol, low fat, or weight loss diet.   It is very important to eat an adequate amount of protein every day,...

2-Day Low Cholesterol Diet Plan

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If you need to reduce your cholesterol because of health reasons or are just wanting to make a healthy change to your diet, the 2-day low cholesterol diet plan is a good option. This diet plan provides you with breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as two snacks that totals approximately 2000 calories for each day. You can make easy...

Candida Diet

User Rating: 3 / 5

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Candida Albicans is a yeast infestation, called a fungus. We all have intestinal candida and when everything is in balance candida helps maintain our immune system by controlling unfriendly organisms. But if the body's balance is upset candida fungi may multiply and promote the development of toxins which can cause a range of unhealthy conditions, like: asthma, bladder infections, energy...

Diet for Depression

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Unfortunately for those desperately seeking answers to the complex health issues of depression and weight gain, there is no such thing as a “depression diet”. Yes it is indisputable that nutritional deficiencies cause and support depression, but there is very little evidence that diet therapy alone is effective in treating depressive states. Sure an improved diet is always going to...

Elimination Diet

User Rating: 5 / 5

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"Food sensitivity" is an umbrella term for food allergy (immune system response), food intolerance (non-immune-related adverse reaction to food) and other adverse reactions to food, except the purely psychological. Common disorders where an elimination diet may help to identify a trigger food: eczema, migraine, asthma, irritable bowel, rashes, lactose intolerance.   Use of Elimination Diet The only reliable way to...

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