How Are Dietary Recommendations Bad for the Environment?
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We are all given a bunch of dietary recommendations that we are expected to follow in order to maintain our good health and longevity. As responsible people who are concerned with our well-being, we most likely follow these guidelines, often to the letter. However, nobody seems to be talking about the harm that these dietary recommendations are doing to the environment in which we live? It is all quite true when you look closely.
Supply and the Demand for Variety
When people need or ask for a variety of foods, especially those foods that are not naturally found in their home region, they are putting a strain on the world’s trading infrastructure. Variety may be the spice of life, but until we can figure out a way to trade products across water and land without depleting our fossil fuel reserves, we will be biting off more than we can environmentally chew. Your dietary recommendations may be saying that you need to try out some exotic fruits, veggies, or meats, but chances are that you can get the same nutrients from other, more local sources.
Local Yokel
On top of that, the fact that more and more people need this sort of dietary variety in their lives to feel as though they are maintaining good health puts a lot of strain on food production companies and workers. With such a high demand for foods that need to be processed or shipped from faraway places, the environment is taking a big hit. When we adapt our surroundings to accommodate these dietary recommendations, we do damage to the integrity of the natural formations around us. Therefore, it can be argued that our modern dietary recommendations need to reflect our native environment.
Finding the Balance
Granted, there are some foods you will need to consume that are not naturally grown in your local area. Foods like grapes, bananas, and avocado often have to be imported; and, since they carry such a high content of natural nutrition, they often make it on the shopping list for most health-conscious people. Eating organic and buying locally can only take you so far, which means that there will be times when you will most likely have to contribute to the environmental problem. However, finding ways to limit your need for imported foods, such as taking vitamins and finding alternatives, is a great way to maintain balance between your dietary recommendations and your environmental concerns.