Southern-Style Diet Detrimental to Individuals with Kidney Disease
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To people who enjoy a Southern-style diet, it may just be a way of life. Those from the South or with family from the South know that this is a diet rich in flavors. It’s the type of food that sticks to your bones and from which family traditions are made. Therefore, it’s also what some people get used to eating, and they likely give it no mind on a daily basis. However, this diet is rich in high-fat foods and sugary beverages, so it could actually be hurting your health in the long term. If you have a kidney condition, or if you have a family history of such a condition, then you may want to take a second look at the way you eat. Though this probably isn’t the news that you wanted, it’s the truth that you may have to face in the end.
The problem with a Southern-style diet is that it is high in fat and sugar. You see a lot of fried foods, like fried chicken and fried okra; you see sugary drinks like lemonade and sweet tea; and you see a lot of processed meats and other foods that are detrimental to your health. Though we tend to think of these foods as being harmful to our weight loss efforts, the damage can actually go much further than that. If you have any concerns about kidney disease, this type of diet can actually lead to it. You may actually be putting too much strain on the kidneys by eating in this way without even realizing it. Your kidneys can’t perform their function, and over time this can lead to kidney disease and even death in an untimely manner.
Eating This Way Hurts You More Than You Know
The Southern-style diet tends to saturate your system with excessive amounts of fat, preservatives, and waste that your body can’t process well. Though your body tries to get rid of waste and toxins, it needs the kidneys to do so. Eating Southern-style foods too often means that there is too heavy of a workload put on the kidneys. Therefore, your body becomes saturated with fats, sugars, and processed agents otherwise known as toxins. In the end, your kidneys can simply shut down as they have nothing else to do. So, by eating in this unhealthy way, you are often leading yourself to a kidney failure and dire health situation.
Thus, while a Southern-style diet may be rich in delicious foods that you have come to know and love, you may want to limit your intake. The more often you eat these foods, the more taxing it is on your kidneys and the more your health suffers. When you eat the right foods, it allows your organs, particularly your kidneys, to function properly. The more easily that you can get out waste, the better off you are in the long run. So rethink eating your favorite foods and enjoy them on a limited basis. Though the South may offer delicious treats, you want to work to protect your health and your kidneys, which is essential in the long term. Finding a healthier diet program to follow is a great solution.