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Mental Health

Mental Health, including Mental Illnesses and Mental Disorders, is a health issue that is not given enough attention. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of all people with diagnosable mental disorders do not seek treatment. This lack of treatment by persons affected is strongly associated with the negative social stereotyping of persons diagnosed with mental illnesses. Mental Disorders and Illnesses are much like any other physical disability and are not related to a persons moral failings or lack of will power.

Mental Disorders discussed in the below articles include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Agoraphobia, Alcohol Dependence, Alzheimers, Anorexia Nervosa, Asperger's Disorder, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Dementia, Depression (Major Depressive Disorder), Nicotine Dependence, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia and Social Phobia.

Mental Health Articles

Blood Vessel Leaks in Brain May Lead to Dementia

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Scientists have found another reason for dementia, which is blood vessel leaks in the brain. These leaks increase the risk of dementia significantly. According to a research, it has been proven that people experiencing issues with thinking and memory have much leakier blood vessels in the hippocampus. The Director at the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute at the University of Southern California,...

Easy Ways to Curb Your Alcohol Consumption

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According to a recent Harvard Health study, there is a pretty noticeable drinking problem going on in the U.S. these days. When nearly one in 13 people over the age of 12 admits to having a drinking issue, something needs to be done. As millions of people engage in some pretty risky behaviors while under the influence, it can be...

How Stress Attacks the Brain

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Being stressed out is something that none of us can completely avoid no matter how hard we try. Just being alive actually causes certain types of oxidative stress to take place in the body, regardless of how easygoing your day-to-day life may be. However, the average person usually does not simply deal with one type of stress over another but,...

Are There Links Between Antidepressants and Miscarriage?

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Pregnancy can bring about a range of emotions and worries, and therefore you want to know about something like a possible link between antidepressants and miscarriage. Though you may not want to think about it, this is a real study that is going on currently. The verdict is still out about the potential difficulties that taking an antidepressant may create....

Natural Ways to Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children and Teens

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Our children and teens need our help to keep them healthy, happy, and attentive in life. It is our job to make sure that they are learning everything they need to know in order for that to happen. We get so worried about our youngsters that we can sometimes forget about all of the natural remedies for some of our...

The Best Ways to Help Someone Suffering with Depression

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Depression was a condition that so few people used to think about, but now that it’s at the forefront of health concerns, we want to help those who are suffering with depression. It’s a disease that is often misunderstood, and many people therefore tend to avoid the discussion. For those who are suffering from it or who know somebody close...

How Losing Weight Causes Depression

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A controversial new study was recently conducted, and the results were published in the New York Times. This study—telling people that losing weight causes depression—has fitness gurus all over the world in an uproar. So how much truth is there to these claims? As truth would have it, there is some validity to what was said. However, things are not...

 The Causes of Postpartum Mood Swings

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Giving birth is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your life, but when you have to deal with postpartum mood swings, it can be less than joyful for everyone involved. Postpartum depression is a common condition that affects around 15 percent of all women in the world who have a baby. It can start a few weeks...

5 Tips for Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

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Are you afraid of living a full and enjoyable life but then being unable to remember any of it when you’re older? Doing things now in terms of preventing Alzheimer’s disease is vital to being able to share all your memories with your loved ones later on. To ensure you do not lose your mind with age, you have to...

Can Puzzle Games Really Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age?

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As we age, many of us wonder what it may take to keep your mind sharp. You may be particularly concerned about this if you have any family history of degenerative mental conditions. Regardless, however, you want to stay sharp, focused, and at your best as you get older. The answer may lie in taking care of yourself properly in...

Natural Stress Busters for People of All Ages

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It doesn’t matter how old you are, stress happens to us all. Although it is relatively easy for a person to simply pop a pill to relieve his or her stress, natural stress busters for people of all ages do exist. It only takes a bit of an open mind, some patience, and a little knowledge about effective methods. Natural...

The Best Foods to Make Yourself Smarter

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The old saying goes, “You are what you eat.” That is true for both your body and your mind. Did you know that there are certain foods that can actually help you to make yourself smarter? You do not have to read a large stack of books, attend any boring classes, or even take any pills. Indeed, all you have...

Can Acupuncture Get Your Hormones in Balance?

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For centuries, cultures from all over the world have been using one type of acupuncture or another to alleviate pain, manage stress, and prevent disease. There is even acupuncture for weight loss. Although some people still fear the procedure due to a lack of knowledge about it, this particular form of therapy is a good match for those who wish...

How Important Is Sex to Your Mental Health?

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Having a healthy body is important, but so is having a healthy mental state. We all know that too much stress and not enough sleep can lead to a bad frame of mind, but you need something else to keep your body, mind, and soul healthy--sex. How important is sex for your mental health? Surprisingly, it’s pretty important. Here are...

How Daily Meditation Can Help You Achieve Better Health

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If you have never been a believer in meditation, then it’s time to look at how meditation can help you achieve better health. Though you may think that this is some new age concept or a method that doesn’t apply to you, perhaps take a moment to reconsider. Though you may be working toward a healthy and balanced lifestyle, meditation...

How Stress Affects Appetite

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It’s not necessarily a one size fits all type of equation, but there are many ways that stress affects appetite. This is something to consider as you try to lose weight or work towards a healthier lifestyle. Though we recognize the importance of eating right, if you happen to be a person who feels a lot of stress, then you...

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

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It’s something for which a lot of information is still needed, and so understanding multiple personality disorder is important. This is a very misunderstood and misinterpreted health condition that affects so many. This is a very serious mental health issue, and yet many people do not take the time to understand what is going on. The people who suffer from...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Obsessive compulsive disorder can mean a lot of things. The disorder is real but can take on many forms and can be experienced in many levels of intensity. OCD as it is called is when a person cannot help but take part in ritualistic activity. This could be washing their hands many times or counting windows or bricks in the...

How to Reduce Social Phobia in Any Situation

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There is actually a condition called social phobia. It is a condition that can be present all our life or can present itself at any time during our lives. Here we will touch on what it is and how you can reduce it.   What is social phobia?   Social phobia comes in many forms and goes by many names....

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a fellowship of people from all walks of life that comprises of a twelve step program which deals with problems and finds solutions related to food including compulsive over eating, anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorders. The Overeaters Anonymous recovery program addresses emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions of compulsive overeating. It differs from group therapy in that...

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