How Losing Weight Causes Depression
- Mental Health
- Hits: 8347
A controversial new study was recently conducted, and the results were published in the New York Times. This study—telling people that losing weight causes depression—has fitness gurus all over the world in an uproar. So how much truth is there to these claims? As truth would have it, there is some validity to what was said. However, things are not as simple as what you might think. Losing weight might eventually cause depression, but there are not any direct links as of yet.
The Woes of Unexpected Consequences
A lot of times, overweight or fitness-conscious people expect weight loss to solve all of their body-image problems when, in reality, it often just makes things worse. In a recent study conducted at the University College London, participants who lost significant amounts of weight were 52 percent more likely to be depressed than were those who stayed within a small percentile of their original weight. Losing weight causes depression in some people, but only if they have unreasonable expectations for themselves or for what losing weight will mean for their self-esteem and opportunities. If you keep it real with yourself, then you won’t always have to worry about failing the curve simply because you have curves.
The Stamp of Social Stigma
Everyone knows that misery loves company, which is why people who are physically fit are often scoffed at or looked down upon. Maintaining a proper weight is not always easy, so some people might end up hating on you because you were able to do what they found to be impossible. This is one of the most common ways in which losing weight causes depression. It’s hard to enjoy your successes when you can’t even talk about them for fear of being ostracized by a group of unfit naysayers.
Operating under Opportunity Overload
All of the sudden you are thin and fit enough to do all of the things you have always wanted to do, but there is a catch. Not only do you have a newfound feeling of freedom but you also can’t make up your mind as to which activity you should be doing first. This overwhelming sense of opportunity can actually wreak havoc on your mood; too many options can ultimately be restrictive. For people with big dreams and little patience, sometimes losing weight causes depression. Reduce the risk of becoming depressed during weight loss by following this diet for depression.