HPV Vaccine Helps Protect Against Cervical Cancer
- Women's Health
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The HPV Vaccine is a vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer which is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus which is where the acronym HPV comes from. The discovery of HPV is fairly new and the formulation of the HPV Vaccine is also new. Here we will discuss how the HPV Vaccine works and what you need to know about it so you can make an educated choice.
So what is HPV?
Human Papilloma Virus causes a few issues like genital warts, cervical issues and cancer. Statistically, it affects 20 million Americans and the medical community is prompting girls from age 9 - 26 years of age to have the HPV Vaccine. You will have to have a complete physical and blood workup prior to having an HPV Vaccine. There are physical qualifications and not everyone qualifies. There is also controversy surrounding the vaccine. Here we will discuss how it works and what to expect.
What to expect from the HPV Vaccine:
The HPV Vaccine is an IM vaccination, which means it is given through the muscles. The shot is given in a series over a period of six months. One of the stipulations is that it must be given prior to sexual activity in life so they try to push for the shot to be given like a booster shot between the ages of 10 and 12.
How the HPV Virus works in the body:
The HPV Vaccination uses particles that will fool the body into thinking it is infected by a foreign antigen. When this happens it begins to fight it and when it does--antibodies are built up against it. This acts just like a regular booster shot like you would get for measles etc. There are many strains of the HPV virus. The HPV Vaccine has a success rate of 100% in the 6,11,16 and 18 strains of the virus. When you are already infected by the HPV virus you will not be protected by the HPV Vaccine. If you are infected by a strain other than the aforementioned numbered strains--then you will not be protected by the vaccine.
The HPV Vaccine has also been linked to cancer itself. There have not--in our opinion--been enough studies to show that it can actually turn cells into cancerous cells but there has been speculation. So far, there have been no official releases of information.