The Best Breathing Exercises for Reducing Pain
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Many people say that the key to health issues is mind over matter, so it’s important to understand the best breathing exercises for reducing pain. This puts this philosophy to the test, as you can work through the pain by learning to take control of pain’s mental aspects. Though this may seem like a tough challenge or unlikely to prove effective, you can use breathing exercises as a way of working through even the worst pain and discomfort if you’re willing to give it your full effort. You must learn to take control of your body because your best health is attained when you can relax and allow the body to calm a bit.
One of the best breathing exercises for reducing pain starts with deep inhalation and exhalation. This require you to pull the belly button into the navel and then push the air out through the lungs. Many experts will tell you that the key to this is to let the air enter deeply through the diaphragm, then to release it slowly, taking your time with each breath. This is deep breathing at its best, and it takes slow and controlled effort. Therefore, take your time perfecting your technique, listening to your body, and allowing this breathing to take over so that you can grow more relaxed and calm with each breath.
Visualize Through the Pain
Another of the best breathing exercises for reducing pain requires you to focus on the source of the pain and surround it with deep breaths. You may also wish to incorporate a bit of visualization and meditation to help this work even more effectively. Visualize your body as being pain-free, then use this image as a catalyst to help you to move forward successfully. You want to think of happy and calming situations; then use your breathing to get you there. You are working toward a pain-free existence, and each breath guides you to this happier place.
You may also find that taking the time to concentrate on the best breathing exercises for reducing pain helps you in and of itself. Choose a simple technique, such as breathing as if you are blowing out a candle, and focus on it. Breathe in and out using the same regular pattern. Whatever you can do to focus your mind on something else will help you to work through the pain and alleviate it. This is truly mind over matter, and the breathing will help you past the pain to a more calm, relaxed state.