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Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Health Articles informative and helpful.

General Health Articles

How Does Childhood Obesity Affect Adult Health?

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Being overweight or obese as a child can create more problems than just some teasing on the playground. Not only is childhood obesity very detrimental to our children’s overall health and quality of life, but it can also pose a pretty serious threat to their blossoming adulthood as well. Keeping our kids healthy is indeed important for the time being,...

Adult Vaccines You Should Be Up-to-Date On

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You may not necessarily consider the adult vaccines you should be up-to-date on, but this is something we should all think about. You don’t want to wait until you are heading out of the country or until the need arises. You want to use vaccines as a form of prevention for overall good health. These vaccines are your only way...

What You Can Do to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

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It may not necessarily be something that you think about until it’s too late, but the top ways to prevent urinary tract infections are actually easier than you might think. If you consider that these can develop so easily, particularly in women, then you need to know what can work towards prevention. This is something that we should all know...

What Is No Shave November All About?

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You hear a lot about it, so you may wonder what exactly No Shave November is really all about. This became a hot issue recently, and the attention grew with each new mustache that was grown. You tend to see this most on men, but women may participate as well. This is another measure to raise awareness for cancer, and...

Air Pollutants Linked to Higher Autism Risk

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As it has become so common these days, many are searching for what may contribute to a higher autism risk. Parents of children with this health condition want to understand how it came to be. There has been a lot of skewed research out there that can be confusing to parents and to families, so getting to the bottom of...

How to Tell If You Have Celiac Disease

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These days, new diseases are being discovered and cured at an alarming rate. As our food choices change, so too do the ailments with which we deal on a daily basis. For some, celiac disease is a serious problem, and it all stems from the foods we eat. Getting a hold on your health is vitally important, which is why...

How to Recover from Antibiotic Use

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There comes a time in nearly everyone’s life when the need for antibiotics is real. This vital type of medication can help to alleviate the symptoms of certain ailments, but unfortunately it can also render some side effects of its own in the process. How can someone find a happy medium between treating a health problem and feeling better afterward?...

How to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums Naturally

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One of the first things most people notice on another person is the condition of the person’s smile. Having some nice, pearly whites is always awesome, but what happens when your gums are not nearly as healthy as your teeth? In order to maintain healthy teeth and gums naturally, you will have to educate yourself on the best procedures. No,...

Better Nutrition Will Lower Number of Tuberculosis Cases

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It’s something that few of us have to think about on a daily basis, but the number of tuberculosis cases worldwide is on the rise. As you might expect, these often occur in underdeveloped countries in which there is little or no medical help. Those who have vaccinations available to them or who lead a healthy lifestyle generally have nothing...

What Is an Ocular Migraine, and What Triggers It?

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Suffering from severe headaches can be frustrating, but what about the ocular migraine? We tend to think of migraines in the sense that an individual is plagued with extreme headaches, sensitivity to his or her environment, and difficulty in functioning properly. These migraines can be downright debilitating, but the ocular type is quite different. Though it can prove frustrating, the...

Tomato-Rich Diet May Help Fight Prostate Cancer

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Prostate cancer is far too common these days, so learning how to fight prostate cancer can be an important step toward better health. We tend to think of this only as a problem for those who have a family history of the condition, but it can affect more people than we realize. If you are somebody who has concerns about...

How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

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Learning how to prevent urinary tract infections is important for those who suffer from this uncomfortable, even painful condition. Though you might have believed that this condition comes on unexpectedly, known causes and preventative measures do exist. If you are somebody who gets these infections frequently, then you may want to talk to your doctor. Even if you simply suspect...

How Environment, Genes, and Gender Affect Substance Abuse

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A lot of people fall victim to substance abuse these days, and unfortunately there are several reasons why this happens. Too often, otherwise good and responsible people begin abusing drugs and other substances, which is one reason why modern society finds such habits so disturbing. How can it be that someone who has a head squared firmly on his or...

The Biggest Risk Factors for Parkinson's Disease

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Parkinson’s disease has recently been brought into the spotlight, so a lot people are wondering about the greatest risk factors for Parkinson’s. This is a disease that people can live with, but it involves considerable deterioration. It can be devastating for those who suffer from it as well as those close to them, who must provide the necessary care. Though...

Scientists' Latest Breakthrough in Understanding Leukemia

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It is such a destructive disease, and therefore many scientists and health experts are working at understanding leukemia. The reality is that there are no known causes, and therefore nobody really understands how or why it occurs. Though the detection of leukemia comes in the way of blood tests, nobody truly understands why or how it happens or manifests itself....

What You Need to Know about the Ebola Virus

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It’s in the news and very scary, so you want to get yourself up to speed on the Ebola virus. This is a condition that was believed to be under control after its most severe outbreak in 1976. Though it has been contained since then, for the most part, it very recently has reached epidemic levels in Liberia, Nigeria, and...

New Glaucoma Surgery Is Minimally Invasive

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For those who suffer from glaucoma, the notion of glaucoma surgery can be daunting. Many people worry about the side effects or are concerned about what their vision may be like after the surgery is over and done with. Though there are legitimate concerns due to past issues with such surgery, the good news is that there are some newer...

Everyday Sources of Radiation Exposure

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Being exposed to too much radiation can eventually wreak havoc on your overall health. As we all know, radiation poisoning is a real concern, which is why we typically do our best to steer clear of it at all times. Did you know that there are actually some common, everyday sources of radiation exposure that could be putting you and...

Consider These Risk Factors Before Taking Hormone Replacement Products

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At times, everyone needs a little bit of help. There may come a time when hormone replacement products take their place in the forefront of your mind; you will need to know a few things about them first. Our bodies are delicate systems that require a lot of attention, especially when something is wrong. Before you take matters into your...

Can a New Blood Test Predict Breast Cancer Risk?

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Wouldn’t it be nice if your doctor could just order some simple blood tests to find out whether or not you were at risk for developing breast cancer? Those mammograms, biopsies, and other invasive procedures may be obsolete in the near future, and more and more physicians are starting use a new blood test that can predict breast cancer risk....

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