Everyday Sources of Radiation Exposure
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Being exposed to too much radiation can eventually wreak havoc on your overall health. As we all know, radiation poisoning is a real concern, which is why we typically do our best to steer clear of it at all times. Did you know that there are actually some common, everyday sources of radiation exposure that could be putting you and your loved ones in harm’s way? In order for you to protect yourself and your family from harm, you will need to know what these sources are so that you can remove them from your general vicinity.
1. Light Bulbs: Not many people know that certain household light bulbs actually cause you to experience unhealthy amounts of radiation exposure. This is most commonly the case with those energy-saving bulbs you find in today’s stores. Unfortunately, there is no alternative as of yet.
2. X-Rays: There is a good reason why your doctor will not allow you to get too many x-ray exams, and when you do you will be required to wear a lead vest. This is because of the large amounts of radiation that comes from the procedure. Try to limit the number of x-rays you require, and if you work in a hospital, take precautions when you work in the radiology department.
3. Microwave Ovens: The convenient device you use to cook your favorite snacks? Yeah, it is pumping radiation into your surroundings at an alarming rate. Known for many years as a radiation hazard, and even carrying a warning from the FDA to that effect, microwaves are anti-healthy if you are wanting to stay away from harmful rays.
4. Cell Phones: Did you know that your handy mobile device is actually a source of radiation exposure? According to several studies, your cell phone could be a big reason why you are becoming exposed to excessive radiation. Although testing to remedy this problem is still in progress, the problem still persists.
5. Tobacco: Whoa, there’s radiation in tobacco? That’s right. When you inhale the smoke from your favorite cigarette, you are absorbing that tobacco plant’s radiation exposure from when it was growing in the fields. As if the secondhand smoke and carcinogens were not enough, now you have to worry about radiation exposure in order to enjoy a smoke.
This should paint a picture of how prevalent radiation is in your day-to-day life. Although a certain amount of radiation exposure is natural, you should try to avoid too much if you can. Talk to your doctor for more information.