Changing Your Eating Habits
- Healthy Eating
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Evidence has shown humans always consume more food and calories when there is more choice available. For example, have you ever been at a buffet style meal where its “eat all you can” no matter how much we eat there always seems to be room for one more item? Maybe that delicious looking dessert or ice cream!
Changing Your Eating Habits for Better Weight Control
Many diets in the past have been based on a similar principle. The cabbage soup diet, the vegetable diet, and so on, all focus on the fact that you can eat as much as you want. That said, since those diets are also extremely restrictive, they’re not sustainable and are hard on your body’s nutrition balance.
Health experts always recommend that we eat a balanced diet. The problem with that is that it makes eating within a quantity restriction notably more challenging. However, it is possible to select a balanced diet that includes various portion restrictions in a way that does not leave us feeling hungry or deprived.
Eating Habits to Naturally Improve Your Overall Nutrition
Change them one at a time. For example, start by training yourself to eat without doing anything else at the same time. Focus on enjoying the taste and smell of your food by eating more slowly. Don't watch TV, talk on the phone or drive a car while you eat.
Simple and Healthy Eating Habits
- Eat breakfast.
- Eat your biggest meal of the day at lunchtime.
- Begin meals with a low-fat salad, soup, broth or a glass of water.
- Eat more vegetables and whole grains at each meal.
- Drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages (such as regular soda and fruit juice).
- If you drink more than one regular soda per day, replace one of them with a diet soda, water or skim milk.
- Limit your alcohol intake.
- Know what 1 serving looks like -- and stick to it.
- Eat slowly so your body has time to know when you are full.
- Be more active in your daily life.
- Replace some of the sugar in your diet with non-caloric sweeteners
- Get support from family and friends. Support is very important for long-term success in adopting healthy habits.
Avoiding Overconsumption of Fatty Foods and Added Sugar
Foods that are high in fat and added sugar have lots of calories. Fat has almost twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein. Also, compared with calories that come from carbohydrates or proteins, calories that come from fat are more easily used by your body to make body fat.
Foods high in calories from fat and/or added sugar:
- Pastries, doughnuts, cakes, cookies, sweet rolls, pies
- Most crackers and chips
- Cheeses
- Cooking oils, margarine, butter, lard, shortening
- Cream, ice cream
- Fried foods, hot dogs and luncheon meats
- Regular soda and fruit-flavored juices
Why is Skipping Meals Not the Automatic Answer?
Though skipping meals may work for a while, it can backfire in the long run. When you skip a meal, you are likely to be hungrier at the next meal. As a result, you could be inclined to eat more calories at one meal than you would have consumed at two. This strategy depends on when you’re hungry and what types of foods you typically eat at mealtime.
Pressure from Friends and Family
Sometimes a direct explanation and a request for support are enough to get people to understand that you're trying to improve your health habits. If that doesn't work, telling them it's your "doctor's orders" may do the trick. If not, you may have to avoid those people until you feel comfortable enough with your new habits to handle the pressure.