Exercising When Overweight
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We all know that losing weight in a healthy manner requires exercise, and lots of it. But for many of us, our journey to slimmer selves begins at a weight that makes vigorous exercise difficult and going to the gym intimidating. For these reasons, many people who are overweight or obese have a very hard time with incorporating exercise into their daily routine.
Low-Impact Exercises
Exercise is essential to losing weight, but does not have to be high impact cardio to be effective, at least not in the beginning. There are a number of low-impact exercises, some that can be done in the privacy of your home that will start working away at those extra pounds. Try these great low-impact exercises at home:
Exercise Balls – Exercise balls offer a means of performing many different types of low-impact exercises. Just sitting on the ball while you watch TV will help to work your abdominal muscles. When exercising, try different positions out for yourself, or follow a structured routine.
Cycling – Cycling is a low-impact, aerobic activity that works the lower body. There are different types of cycling equipment that can be used indoors, including a recumbent bike, stationary bike, or a portable pedaler.
Rowing Machines – Rowing machines can provide a terrific workout that is aerobic and low-impact. When done with the correct posture, rowing on a rowing machine will work abdominal, back and upper body muscles.
Walking – Walking is the most popular low-impact exercise. If you are without knee and hip problems then walking can help you to burn calories and increase your cardiovascular system. Increase your pace, add short bursts of speed, or include hills to increase the intensity of your workouts.
Elliptical Trainer – The elliptical trainer, also known as a cross trainer, is a stationary exercise machine that simulates walking or running while being extremely low-impact on the body’s joints. Some elliptical trainers have swinging arms as well that help provide a whole body workout.
Swimming – Swimming is a whole body exercise that burns more calories than almost any other activity. Don’t just float there. When swimming you should increase your pace until you are becoming out of breath after a couple of laps. Rest and repeat until you reach your time goal.
Aqua Aerobics – Aqua aerobics, or aquacise, is a popular low-impact exercise that uses a variety of techniques to provide a cardiovascular workout. Aqua aerobic exercises all take place in water waist deep or deeper and typically include walking or running, jumping jacks, arm movements and resistance exercises using floatation devices.
Yoga – Yoga is a low-impact exercise that improves your body’s flexibility, fitness and general well-being. Yoga involves performing a series of postures that work various muscle groups combined with controlled breathing exercises.
Pilates – If you are unable to move around too much because of excess weight or physical ailments, Pilates is a suitable low-impact exercise. Pilates improves posture and general well-being through slow, controlled movements and exercises.
Exercising Safely When Overweight
Before you launch yourself into a new exercise regime, it is advised that you visit your doctor and have a check up. When you are given your green light, follow these helpful hints that will help you become more active safely:
Start Slow – give your body time to get used to new activities and increase the intensity of your workouts gradually.
Warm Up – warming up your body before exercising is very important in avoiding injuries. Shrug your shoulders, swing your arms and march in place for about five minutes before any exercise.
Cool Down – the cool down phase is as important as the warm up. During the cool down you can do the same exercise, but much slower, giving your heart and muscles a chance to relax.
Keep track of your progress – keep a journal of your exercises and activities that you do each day. You will surprise yourself in no time with all the improvements that you have made and these will help keep you motivated.
Set Achievable Goals – setting both short-term and long-term goals will give you something to work towards and keep you motivated.
Find time to exercise every day – we all have busy schedules, but our health should always come first. Set time aside every day for exercising and stick to your plan.
Keep Exercise Fun - getting exercise should not be seen as a chore, but as a pleasant gift to yourself. Do activities that interest you and don’t be afraid to try new ones.