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The first step to successful dieting and weight loss is to educate yourself - not just about fad diet programs, or calorie counting, or exercise routines, but about your health in general and how to live a healthier lifestyle for the rest of your life. Successful weight loss requires life-long weight management and commitment beyond cutting calories and we can help you do it now!
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Phentermine 37.5 Diet Pills
What is the Phentermine 37.5 Tablet? Across the United States, a growing number of people are receiving prescriptions to buy... READ MORE -
Free Weight Loss Tickers
Free Weight Loss Tickers to add to your website, forum or blog! Weight Loss Tickers and trackers are a great way to... READ MORE
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trying to Lose Weight
If you’re thinking about trying to lose weight, you’re far from alone. According to CDC statistics published in 2020,... READ MORE -
Senior Health Requires Adequate Physical Exercise
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3 Reasons Weight Loss Takes So Long
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Negative Calorie Diet
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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Review
Weight Loss 4 Idiots is an ediet program that emerged in 2004 and then in 2005... READ MORE
2000 Calorie Diet Plan
The 2000 Calorie Diet Plan is a nutrient-dense eating plan containing about... READ MORE -
VISIPRO 20-20 for Premium Safe and Effective Eye Health Support VISIPRO 20-20... READ MORE -
Negative Calorie Diet
The theory behind the Negative Calorie diet is extremely appealing. It works... READ MORE
How Do I Lose Weight?
Everyone wants to know the same thing: how to lose belly fat, drop pounds and inches, and look their overall best. Many factors go into determining which weight loss plan will work best for you. Age, sex, genetic make-up, general health, how much you exercise, and your psychological make-up are all contributing variables.
For any weight loss program to be successful, experts all agree that it must include the three basics. They are:
- An eating plan that reduces the amount of daily caloric intake
- A strong physical activity component
- Some behavior modification to change old habits
This is the fundamental difference between a “weight loss diet” and a “weight loss program”.
Dieting vs Weight Loss Programs
With today’s fast paced lifestyles it is harder and harder to get into shape and stay that way. Yet there are thousands of products and services (diet programs, weight loss supplements, diet pills) available for just that purpose. In fact it can be confusing and overwhelming trying to plot a course through all the information with so many competing for your attention.
What do we mean when we talk about a weight loss diet versus a weight loss program?
A diet usually only covers the food aspect of dieting like what you can and can’t eat, nutritional content, meal plans, and recipes.
A “weight loss plan” is more all encompassing and will include at least the three basics, with some incorporating diet pills, weight loss supplements and even alternative medicine practices. Many people find that dieting is a short term solution, while a weight loss plan or program can give long term results.
How Do I Choose A Weight Loss Plan?
A good weight loss program is based on individual lifestyle. Good programs aim to improve health in a positive way. The medical experts also all agree that losing more than two pounds a week can be unhealthy and in some cases downright dangerous. A good plan will introduce change gradually to both diet and exercise.