Supplements Women Need During Menstruation
- Reproductive Health
- Hits: 507
Menstruation can be distressing, even though women are generally used to the pain and start accepting it as a part of their life. Yet it’s never easy going through the cycle. Besides the physical pain, emotional changes, and symptoms, there is more going around the body, and all these changes are influenced by the fundamental part of menstruation: blood flow. During periods, the lining of the uterus sheds, causing the blood flow. Estrogen, which is a vital female reproductive hormone, increases its flow, disturbing the functions of all other tissues that interact with it.
Around 3.3 million women across the globe suffer from iron deficiency, ranging from mild shortages to deadly diseases such as anemia. Iron is an essential mineral, as it is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. It is a major constituent in blood and helps with the transportation of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body for every single cell, tissue, and organ to work efficiently. Iron is required to sustain repair and growth of skin, hair, and nails.
Almost two-thirds of the iron in the body is represented by the amount of hemoglobin present. The loss of blood during menstruation causes lack of hemoglobin in the body, resulting in diseases like anemia. Anemia can be described simply as the ineffectiveness of red blood cells to bear the load of oxygen. The common symptoms of anemia include nausea, tiredness, inability to focus, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and increased thirst. The serious exhaustion, as a result, can have a negative influence on your brain and even the immune system, making it weak and incapable of fighting disease. Moreover, iron deficiency can be potentially fatal.
To cover the deficiency of iron and bring it back to normal, or as required by the body, the supplements women need include iron and folic acid supplements in accordance with the recommendations of health experts. The supplement helps in maintaining and sustaining the concentration of hemoglobin and the level of iron, reducing the risk of anemia in women.
The standard approach, as suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), includes consumption of iron and folic acid regularly for as long as three months to prevent or treat iron deficiency in the body during menstruation. However, these are the supplements women need when the symptoms of any disease are beyond prevention.
You can definitely now continue to take supplements for life, but a healthier option is to increase the intake of iron-rich foods, particularly fresh, superior-quality meat, fish, and leafy green vegetables. Natural and organic alternatives to supplements women need are usually more effective, but if the condition is severe, taking the supplements women need is the best solution.