Weight Loss During Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Health
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Some women, particularly those who may be overweight or obese when they conceive, may wonder if losing weight during pregnancy might make them and their baby healthier. Weight loss during pregnancy, however, is generally not recommended even if the mother is severely overweight.
Healthy Pregnancy Weight Gain
The reason why people began to equate a healthy pregnancy with weight gain was that women used to weight less in the past. Doctors saw that women who gained more weight had healthier and bigger babies. However, in today’s world where approximately 10% of all pregnant women are either overweight or obese doctors have to re-evaluate healthy pregnancy weight gain. In situations where a mother is already overweight or obese, additional weight gain during pregnancy can cause her to be at a higher risk of gestational diabetes as well as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and other dangerous disorders. In addition, these women may carry larger babies that can make labor and delivery more difficult.
Reasons Weight Loss Occurs During Pregnancy
Losing weight is never recommended during a pregnancy. When a woman loses weight, she can cause unnecessarily stress on her body as well as on the baby. Some women who have severe morning sickness may find they lose weight in the beginning of their pregnancy, but they make up that weight gain in the end. Other women might have health problems that cause them to lose weight during their pregnancy, and when this occurs a doctor’s visit should be scheduled to see what needs to be done to restore the woman’s health. Sometimes a vitamin deficiency or a baby’s loss of weight can register as weight loss – both issues need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Maintain a Healthy Weight During Pregnancy
Instead of looking for ways to lose weight during a pregnancy, you need to focus on healthy weight gain. The best way to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy is by eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Instead of eating processed and sugary foods, the mother should begin to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This will allow the baby’s growth to be supported without causing weight loss. It’s recommended that mothers actually add about 100 to 300 calories to their diet each day during pregnancy, though those who are already overweight may want to add only about 100 to ensure that weight gain is limited.
While additional pounds during pregnancy can cause a body to be under more stress, it can be harmful to lose weight too when you are pregnant. For now, take the time to eat healthier and to choose more well-rounded meals. When you do this, you will encourage your body to find its healthy resting point – and you can begin to lose weight as needed after you deliver.