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How Much Should You Really Gain During Pregnancy?

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It used to be something that most women didn’t really think much about, but times have changed; and now, how much to gain during pregnancy is quite important. Sure, giving into the occasional craving is practically a rite of passage, but it can get out of hand quickly if you let it. You need to focus on your health and that of the unborn baby, and this has a lot to do with the amount of weight that you gain throughout your pregnancy. Not only will this help you after the baby is born, but it may protect you and your baby throughout the pregnancy as well.


So in order to understand just how much weight to gain during pregnancy, you really need to start with where you are at weight-wise before you get pregnant. For years there has been a common misconception that a woman should always gain about 25-35 pounds on average during pregnancy. Though this is an average, it doesn’t address those who are underweight or overweight, and therefore you want to break it down more. If you are somebody with a very low Body Mass Index (BMI) who is underweight at time of conception, say in a range of less than 18 percent, then you are going to want to gain more weight than the average. Most experts will tell you that somebody who is underweight like this needs to gain around 28 to 40 pounds over the course of pregnancy.


Focus on What Works With Your Body at the Start


Sure, those within the average range will still want to aim for the same in terms of what to gain during pregnancy. The norm for the average woman’s body makeup is in fact around 25 pounds. If you are at the lighter end of the spectrum, however, you may gain up to 35 pounds. This is all about getting your body prepared for the baby to grow, eating properly, and being able to handle a healthy and safe labor and delivery as well. It’s often easier for women who are slighter or average to take the weight off afterward, so it’s important to focus on the best health for the baby and yourself during pregnancy.


If you are wondering how much to gain during pregnancy and happen to be overweight, then the numbers change quite significantly. If your BMI is 30 or greater, then the most that you may want to gain is 20 pounds. This varies slightly, but those who are overweight tend to be right around the 15- to 20-pound range on average. You have to keep in mind that the body will work to take care of the baby but the extra weight can be a health problem later on. So be mindful of what you eat, gain within your range, and always work toward a healthy mom and healthy baby.
