LA Weight Loss
- Lifestyle Based Diets
- Hits: 3206
LA Weight Loss Centers is a diet and weight loss program based on reduced caloric intake along with nutrition bars and supplements, behavior modification, and personal counseling. They focus aggressively on selling their nutrition bars called L.A. Lites, in addition to their supplements. By all accounts the bars and supplements are very expensive and are basically required purchases if guarantees of success are to take effect. Discounts are taken on the bars if long-term supplies are purchased, but that amounts to significant upfront costs as much as $1000+.
Most personal counselors are not independently trained social workers, but former clients of LA and are paid commissions on the LA Weight Loss products they sell, which presents a highly questionable conflict of interests. Based on received reviews for LA Weight Loss, there are considerable differences between individual centers and counselors. Some have adequately trained counselors and lower pressure sales environments, while others are the opposite. One thing is clear though from pro and con reviews: the program is expensive compared to its competition and often hard to know. They have settled out of court on a case alleging they falsely advertised the cost of their program.
The cost of LA Weight Loss seems totally unreasonable compared to alternatives. Most pro reviews elude to the cost as something that keeps them motivated, but there are better ways of maintaining your motivation without draining your wallet. We prefer more sensible, inexpensive programs such as eDiets that are conveniently on-line and accessible from your computer at home or office. If you sense you\'re being taken advantage of in the diet business, you probably are.