Ultimate SlimDown Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
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Ultimate SlimDown is a nonprescription weight loss product that is created and sold by a company called True Health. That brand sells a number of different weight loss and wellness supplements. In this particular case, the claim is that it will help to increase the “body’s natural fat processing mechanisms.”
As such, the official webpage for this product claims that Ultimate SlimDown will use thermogenesis to help boost fat burning, it will break down fat stored on the body, it will increase the metabolism, it will improve the ratio of lean muscle to fat, it will make your blood glucose levels better, it will support “incredible weight loss success.”
If these claims are to be believed, then it would mean that this is an extremely powerful dieting tool that can help to solve a number of problems and that can assist in overcoming a range of challenges. That said, these are also very common claims in the nonprescription industry and only a handful of products are actually able to live up to them.
It is more likely that, at best, this product can live up to a few of its claims and that the rest would be the natural outcome of having lost weight. That said, to know for certain, it is important to do a little bit of homework and look into what this product contains. It is also a good idea to speak with a doctor before taking this or any other type of weight loss supplement. After all, this product is claiming that it will alter some of the functions of the body. This means that it may not be appropriate for some users and it may conflict with other supplements, certain medications and some common medical conditions.
The official webpage for Ultimate SlimDown on the True Health website proudly boasts of certain very impressive sounding clinical trial results on one of its ingredients, Meratrim®. However, when looking more closely at the study in question (PMID 23767862 and PMID 23784895, “Efficacy and tolerability of an herbal formulation for weight management”) it became rapidly clear that this is not the type of research that doctors would consider to be conclusive. The research involved only very small groups of people.
One included 100 participants and the other involved 60 participants. Moreover, as these were placebo controlled studies, this means that only half of each group were actually given the ingredient. The other half received a placebo. At best, this research was positive enough to indicate that the ingredient was worthy of further study.
Moreover, it is also important to note that Meratrim® is only the third out of four ingredients in the Ultimate SlimDown formula. At the time of the writing of this review, the supplement was made of: Chromium (which is considered unproven by the Mayo Clinic for purposes of weight loss), Sinetrol® XPur Blend (which combines citrus fruit and guarana extract, a stimulant), Meratrim® and caffeine.