Therm Acai Diet Pill Review
- Diet Pill Reviews
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Biogenixs is the manufacturer of a weight loss supplement called Therm Acai, which jumped on the bandwagon for the highly media hyped “weight loss benefits” of acai berry. Though the drug does provide some acai berry health benefits – essentially the fact that it is a good quality antioxidant – it unfortunately also provides what all other acai-based products offer in terms of helping to lose weight: very little.
Therm Acai does contain more ingredients than just Acai berry, which is good news. Caffeine and green tea extract are two of the ingredients that have shown some weight loss benefits.
Review of Therm Acai Ingredients
Acai Berry - Acai berry is an extremely effective antioxidant - one that rivals blueberries. Like other antioxidants, it has never been proven to have even the slightest benefit in term of helping one to shed extra pounds in a single reputable clinical, scientific, or medical study. If you do choose to take an acai berry supplement, make it for nutritional reasons and not because you have fallen victim to the hundreds of scams currently in existence that are trying to pump that ingredient as a miracle for weight loss. (For more information, please read the article "How Antioxidants Enhance Weight Loss".)
Green Tea Extract - Similar to acai berry, green tea extract contains antioxidants and is also a source of caffeine.
Caffeine - Caffeine is used in many diet pills because it helps to increase metabolism and fat burning. However, Acai Therm contains only 50mg of caffeine anhydrous per capsule, which is not enough of this ingredient to offer any weight loss benefit.
Apple Cider Vinegar Powder - Apple cider vinegar is often used on its own or as part of a diet pill to help one lose weight. Although vinegar weight loss benefits are not hugely impressive, apple cider vinegar may help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels and increase the rate at which the body burns fat.
Kelp - Kelp is a large seaweed that is used in many weight loss supplements. Although it has no proven weight loss benefits, it is full of vitamins and minerals that improve overall health.
Grapefruit Powder - Grapefruit is a good source of the antioxidant Vitamin C, but has no proven weight loss benefits itself.
Therm Acai and Weight Loss – Do Therm Acai Diet Pills Work?
From looking at this list of ingredients, it is safe to say that the claims in the Therm Acai marketing materials, such as losing up to thirty pounds within one to two months, should be ignored. If you eat a nutritious diet and exercise along with the use of this weight loss supplement, it will be the dieting and exercise that is having the impact and likely not the Therm Acai diet pills.
Therm Acai Side Effects
Therm Acai and its natural ingredients are quite safe to take within the recommended dosage, as long as your doctor does not say otherwise. Many people claim that taking supplements based on similar ingredients help them to achieve better overall health despite the fact they may not have lost weight.
Therm Acai’s official website claims that there are no unpleasant side effects associated with this product. However, because Therm Acai contains some stimulants (green tea and caffeine) it should be used with caution at first.
Acai Berry Scams
Be very careful before buying this or any other product that is based on acai berry and that claims that it will help you to lose weight. There are many scams out there that offer these products just so that they can obtain your credit card number and bill you, not caring that the product does not do what it claims. If you insist on using acai berry for its antioxidant benefits, it is a better idea to find a product that markets it for those purposes.