Personality Type Diet
- Reviews
- Hits: 3110 began as a book called Dr. Kushner\'s Personality Type Diet, authored by Dr. Robert Kushner, and his wife Nancy. Dr. Robert Kushner pioneered the \"life patterns\" approach to weight management and has been selected as a weight loss expert for USA Today. He is a well-respected authority on wellness and nutrition and is the President fo the American Board of Nutrition Physician Specialists and the Medical Director of Northwestern Memorial Hospital Wellness Institute.
The Program was founded when Dr. Kushner expanded the Personality Type Diet into an online format. This diet program is based on developing a nutrition and weight loss program that is specific to an individuals personality type, which is an unique approach to diet program development.
Dr Kushner has based the Personality Type Diet on the belief that our personality has a major impact on our attitudes towards food and exercise. This will come as no surprise to those of us who wonder how some people are able to stick with a diet, or find the motivation to exercise regularly when these things can sometimes feel impossible for us.
What if we had insight into why we eat like we do? Or why every time we start exercising we give up? What if we could find those reasons and fix them?
This is the premise of Dr. Kushner\'s Personality Type Diet - it helps people to adjust their lifestyle according to their personality type so that they will be able to experience sustained weight loss and lifelong weight management.
Step I: Take the clinically validated Personality Type Diet Quiz and get your diet personality profile FREE.
Step II: Receive a fully customized, medically sound diet program that helps you achieve permanent weight loss, starting from only $2.47/week. The customized diet program includes:
- Personalized nutritional and fitness guidelines
- Real-life meal ideas that let you enjoy your favorite foods
- Additional family and budget-friendly meal ideas
- Expert guidance on exercise and emotional well-being
- Dining-out Guide, Meals-in-Minutes tips, and other tools
- Weekly motivation email from Dr. Kushner
- Get Dr. Kushner private consultation via email
- Priority customer service with personal attention Personalized Diet and Meal Plan
After completing the personality-type quiz, your determined personality type will then form the basis of an entire eating plan, beginning right from when you subscribe to (Note that you can redo the survey at any time). The meal plans are healthy, realistic and they even include some fast food options as well.
Even if you don\'t want to spend the money on a subscription, you can still have access to the amazing weight loss recipes for FREE. These recipes are by far some of the best weight loss recipes available online - they are easy to follow, use inexpensive ingredients, and can be made in no time at all. Another positive aspect of these recipes is that many of them prepare only one or two servings. These small serving sizes help keep you on track with less risk of over-eating during your meals.
Cost - Personality Type Diet
Initial membership and access to the Personality Type survey are free. But beyond this (to receive all the features) - you must subscribe. Pricing for a year long subscription is quite reasonable (about $2.47 per week). Monthly pricing is more expensive.
Membership Subscription Price (at the time of this review): 12 month subscription $139.35, 6 month subscription $85.65, 3 month subscription $64.80, 1 month subscription $39.90