Why Are Women at a Higher Risk for Heart Disease?
- Women's Health
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It’s something that you may not want to think about, but the risk for heart disease tends to be greater in women. This has led many health experts to explore the causes underlying this issue. Those who have suffered from heart problems may be aware of what it takes to work toward better health overall. For others, though, the risk of heart disease is very real as they aren’t sure of what preventative steps to take or even if they are at high risk. Knowing that women have a greater likelihood of developing these heart problems, it’s well worth checking into what contributes to heart disease in addition to adopting a healthier outlook overall, now and well into the long term.
When you consider what contributes to a higher risk for heart disease in women, there may be a number of issues. The first and most notable is how a woman’s body changes at various stages of her life. Many women may have a harder time taking off weight after pregnancy, and this puts them at risk. Being overweight is a huge risk factor for developing heart disease and other related heart problems. Obesity is a health problem on its own, but it also contributes to heart disease and even to diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of the latter health conditions additionally put a woman at risk for heart problems, too. So the health problems continue to escalate when a woman carries excess weight on her body.
The Big-Picture View That Explains It All
Another factor to consider as far as why the risk for heart disease is higher in women is that they may have issues as they approach and experience menopause. Many women find that their cholesterol levels tend to escalate. They may gain additional weight, and they may suffer from higher blood pressure, too, as they age and move through this stage. All of this means that there is a greater likelihood that the heart has additional strain and that problems will develop later on in life. Being aware of these risk factors and, of course, any family history can really help a woman to keep these health problems away and ensure better health on the horizon.
Therefore, although it’s not something that most women like to think about, they are in fact at a greater risk for heart disease. It’s important to look at the overall picture of health and to work at making any necessary improvements. This means that you are working at maintaining a healthy weight range and that you are eating a heart healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking steps to protect your heart health every step of the way. If you can enjoy better health now, it will only benefit you in the future. Be in control—taking care of yourself and making your health a true priority—and it will help you to avoid becoming another statistic.