How to Spot Weight Loss Information Online You Can Trust
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Finding weight loss information online sounds like it should be incredibly easy. After all, it’s one of the most searched topics. At the same time, this also taps into a massive money-making industry, which means that discovering info and finding data you can trust are far from the same thing.
Trustworthy Sources of Weight Loss Information Online
Finding trustworthy sources of weight loss information online is harder than it may seem. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing a post a respected friend or family member has shared on social media. Or to think that a certain product, technique, or service is helpful because a celebrity or influencer you like has mentioned it on their platform or account. However, the fact is that there are many issues with the quality of information being shared online, whether it’s deliberate to make money or achieve some other goal, misinterpreted resharing of otherwise accurate information, or out of date or unproven information that certainly sounds correct but that simply isn’t.
With the way the internet works, deliberate or not, weight loss information online comes in widely varying quality levels. For that reason, it’s very important to always check your source and seek out quality over everything else. Great places to start for a healthy foundation can include:
Other official health bodies or medical schools also make this list.
Fact Checking is a Must
Here at Weight Loss Center, we do our best to use quality sources and fact check everything we post. Still, as humans, we are not infallible, nor are any other quality sources of info you’ll come across – official sites or not. Therefore, we recommend that you take on the same processes that we have whenever you read weight loss information online.
If there was ever a time for blind faith in weight loss information online, that time has certainly passed. This is true regardless of whether you’re reading a quality article in a newspaper you trust, a post from a friend or family member on Facebook, or even a blog that appears to be written by a doctor. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t believe everything you read, either. However, a healthy dose of skepticism can go a long way to making sure you’re only believing something you read as much as you should.
When you read something interesting, before you believe it, share it, or act on it, take the time to do a quick fact check. Learn how to do this quickly and efficiently, and you’ll find that you’ll rapidly become informed while vastly reducing the amount of questionable information you share online or by mouth. At the same time, you’ll also make sure you’re keeping your facts straight in your own mind, as much as possible.