Why You Shouldn't Post Your Weight Loss Goals on Facebook
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It’s a natural tendency to tell the social media world when you are doing something, and so the trend has begun to post your weight loss goals on Facebook. It’s common for people to want to share their desires and goals with their friends and family, and so this is an effective way to do so. The problem is that this may not actually have the desired outcomes that you are interested in. You may think that this can bring you a certain sense of accountability and purpose, but it may actually work against you in the end. If you think that telling the world can help you, it’s important to know why it might hurt you.
So let’s think about what happens when you post your weight loss goals on Facebook. First and foremost you are telling everyone you are friends with through social media and that may not be a good thing. You might think that you will get a great deal of support, and in some cases you might. The problem though is that you are opening yourself up to some negativity and criticism. We all have some negative forces in our lives and though we may wish to think that they won’t get to us, they can in this type of forum. You will find that you will get plenty of people telling you that you’re not using the right method, or even convincing you that you don’t need to lose weight. Negativity and even jealousy can be alive and well in this type of environment!
The World Doesn’t Need To Know Your Every Move
Another thing to consider if you post your weight loss goals on Facebook is that this may set you up for failure. You are going to be judged because you’ve made yourself vulnerable in this sense. So if you have a bad day or a cheat day, the whole world is now watching you. If you didn’t lose weight in a given week even though you tried everything in your power to do so, then you will find that it’s that much more disappointing for the whole world to see what went wrong. So though you may think that you are setting yourself up for accountability, you are also setting yourself up for a harder time if things go wrong. Nobody wants to tell the world that they had a bad day!
Though it’s a natural tendency to think that posting your weight loss goals on Facebook can really help you, it’s best to understand that it can hurt you. Don’t put your every thought on social media because then you’ll feel worse if things go wrong. You don’t want this to be everyone’s business and you certainly don’t want people judging you. Telling the world about the good job that you did and the results that you achieved is great. Wait until you’ve made some significant process and then share it for a positive experience. Nobody wants to have everyone they know in on a secret like this, so just keep it to your closest friends and family and share the good news later on.