The Best Days to Start a Diet
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A common issue when starting a weight loss and diet program is trying to determine what the best days to start a diet really are. The truth is that there are many different ways to look at this. In the end it’s all about preparation because you need to ensure that you have everything on hand to help you to be successful. This means that you must take every step to clear out the wrong foods and make room in your kitchen for healthier options. You want to be sure that you have gone to the effort of buying and preparing healthy foods for the week. Once you do all of this, it’s time to launch your diet.
Traditionally speaking, everyone will tell you that Monday is by far one of the best days to start a diet. This may be true, but you need to consider a few things. If you are somebody who enjoys going out to eat, you have to think about whether that happens mostly on the weekends. Also, if you are somebody who enjoys a cocktail here and there, is that happening mostly on the weekends as well? Both of those factors can mean water retention; therefore, if Monday is the day of weekly weigh-ins, this can negatively affect your apparent progress. Though Monday may make sense in general, think about what your weekend activities look like. Some simple tweaks to your weekly diet routine may be necessary, but it may be better to start another day if weekend indulgences are an issue.
Being Truly Prepared Will Help You Know When to Start
Some will argue that Friday is one of the best days to start a diet. This is due to the fact that you are going into the weekend with a fresh new start. This will ensure that you don’t go overboard and eat too much on a special occasion or engage in unhealthy weekend eating habits. It will mean that you don’t overindulge when you go out to eat, or that you are at least smarter about your choices. It also means that you don’t have an open invitation to drink too much or to eat the wrong foods thinking that you’ll just get back on track after the weekend is over. If dieting willpower is a strength of yours, then Friday may be the best day to kick off your diet.
As you think about what the best days to start a diet truly are, you need to take a long hard look at your lifestyle. Think about which days you can start out eating right and avoiding temptations. You want to have your kitchen ready and ensure that you arm yourself with healthy snacks. If you can do all of this, then you are going to be that much more successful in the end. Consider your own needs, what you can do to set yourself up for success, and which days will really maximize your capacity to keep yourself heading in the right direction. This will ensure diet success, no matter which day ultimately works best for you!