Is Cutting Fat or Carbs Better for Long-Term Weight Loss?
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It seems like everyone is on a diet these days. They want to lose weight to impress their old classmates or just to feel better. But with all of the different diet plans out there, it is confusing to figure out the ones that are the best for your needs. In fact, some seem to contradict each other for long-term weight loss. Some say that eating less fat is good and others say you should cut out the carbs. Here is the truth about which one is best if you would like to see long-term weight loss success.
First off, both of these diets can be successful in helping you lose weight. You are restricting the amount of calories in both so you will see quite a bit of weight loss, so you do have some freedom to see what works for you. Some people can’t tolerate carbs that well so they cut those out while other people love breads and might cut into the fats a little bit more for weight loss. As long as you keep the calories in check, you will see some weight loss and even some fat loss.
But the question here is which one is going to be the best for long-term weight loss? In a recent study done, it has been shown that eating less fat is going to help you lose more weight and make you carry around less fat compared to the lower carb diets. While the low carb diets will help you lose some weight as well as fat, it is not as effective as going on a low fat diet for the long term. Those who are missing out on the carbs and all that pasta they used to enjoy can rejoice; they can slowly add it back into their diet and restrict the fat content to get better results.
Of course, the best diet for long-term weight loss is the one that you can actually maintain for long term. If you fair better with a low carb diet because of your insulin levels or because you cannot handle gluten, it is better to stay on that low carb diet. You should always stick to the one that works the best for your nutrition requirements, health and your particular body and metabolism. But for those picking out a diet plan for the first time, low fat is the way to go.