Preparing Your Fall Weight Loss Program
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Have you been considering the benefits of losing weight? Don’t put off planning a weight loss program until the traditional beginning of the New Year. It can be easier to get into the habit of a new routine during the fall, when kids are heading back to school and the weather is cool enough to go on walks, but not so cold as to keep you inside.
There are a few things you can do to prepare for a fall weight loss program. The first step is to determine what your goals are in line with weight loss. Do you just want to lose a few pounds? Or are you trying to start a long term lifestyle change that will improve your health over a period of many years? Or do you have a medical issue that requires you to lose weight to be healthy? Regardless, consider what your objectives are, then talk to your doctor about your goals. A doctor will be able to help you determine the healthiest diet for your long term goals along with an exercise routine that fits your desired lifestyle. Multiple studies have shown that a healthy diet and good exercise plan are key to losing weight safely and efficiently.
In many ways, the fall is the best time to start a weight loss program. One of the best benefits is that autumn temperatures are typically cooler and make it more comfortable for outdoor exercise. Since being active is a key component to any weight loss program, take some time to come up with some activities you like that can be added to your weekly schedule. Exercise comes in many forms and doesn't have to always be sitting in the gym or jogging through the neighborhood. Even raking leaves, tidying up the yard and doing a fall clean of your house can burn off some big calories.
With Halloween quickly approaching and all those bags of tasty treats displayed at the stores, watch out for cravings. It is generally okay to eat the foods you enjoy as long as you eat them in small amounts, and make sure you get the food that is healthy for you to have, as well. Keep healthy foods you like easily accessible. This way you might go after the sweet carrot sticks rather than the chocolate. Avoid skipping meals, as that tells the body it needs to save calories, making it harder to lose weight.
To have the most success, make a plan for your fall weight loss program, and keep goals reasonable. Write down what you want to accomplish and keep your list handy. Unreasonable goals tend to result in weight loss plans that are given up. Remember that weight loss should be gradual if it is to be safe, healthy, and effective. Choose goals you can accomplish one step at a time, and you will be on your way to losing weight during those slower months before Christmas and New Years.