Eating Clay Promotes Weight Loss
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Eating clay may seem disgusting to some people, but for other people it is just a sensible approach to a healthy body.
Geophagea and Eating Clay
The ingestion of clay is also referred to as “geophagia”, which is defined as the deliberate consumption of earth, soil, or clay.
Eating clay for the treatment of ailments, such as anemia, digestive disorders, and detoxification of the body has occurred for hundreds of years across many different cultures. While eating clay is a cultural practice in many places, it also fulfills a physiological need for nutrients that the body or diet may be lacking.
Specific Medical Benefits
The value of specific clays for health care is just beginning to be recognized in Western culture. Some of the known health benefits of eating clay include: well-regulated bowels, relief from constipation or diarrhea, elimination of indigestion, elimination of ulcers, improved digestion of food, improved physical energy and stamina, reduction of various aches and pains, clearer skin, whiter and brighter eyes, improved alertness, tension relief, improved gum health, improved immune system, and detoxification of toxins from the body. In addition to these health benefits, eating clay has also been well documented to decrease appetite and promote weight loss.
Different Types of Clay
The most common form of clay consumed therapeutically for the purpose of weight loss is known as “Bentonite Clay”. Bentonite is not a mineral, but a commercial name for “montmorillonite”, the active mineral in many medicinal clays.
When liquid bentonite is taken internally, it rapidly absorbs water in the stomach and swells, stretching open like a highly porous sponge. When taken before meals, the swelling of the clay in the stomach results in a feeling of fullness thereby reducing appetite and the risk of overeating.
Typical Strategies for Eating Clay
Taking bentonite in a liquid form has been found to have the most benefits. The best time to ingest it is immediately before meals. If this is not possible, one hour before meals will also be effective. To start, 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay mixed in with juice is advisable on a daily basis. Apple sauce is an alternative to juice. Pay attention to the results for a week, then gradually increase the dosage to no more than 4 tablespoons daily, in divided doses.
Bentonite Clay and Weight Loss
Eating clay can be very helpful for reducing appetite and improving overall body health and weight loss, but it is not for everyone. Because bentonite absorbs water in the digestive system, some people will experience constipation. For this reason, it is common for bentonite to be consumed with a source of fiber. Additionally, Bentonite should not be taken two hours before or after medication or nutritional supplements as it will interfere with their absorption into the body.
So, the next time someone tells you to “Eat Dirt!” kindly thank them for their helpful suggestion.
Are You Ready to Eat Clay?
Just because it’s possible to start eating clay in the hopes of gaining weight loss benefits, it doesn’t mean it’s right – or even safe – for you. Clay can have lead to unexpected reactions within the body. It can harm the way supplements and medications work. It can change the way you receive nutrition from your food. It can also affect your ability to become and remain hydrated.
These can have an impact on your health and wellbeing within the first day of use. Over time, if done by the wrong person, eating clay can lead to some serious and potentially dangerous outcomes. Therefore, if you’re thinking of using bentonite or any other type of clay by taking it internally, it’s very important to speak with your doctor – and perhaps a dietitian – first.
Even if you believe you are healthy and that this practice is unlikely to harm you, there may be ways in which it could impact you that you had not considered.
This is not to say that it isn’t appropriate for anyone at all. There are some who can take great benefit from it. That said, it’s important for you to know that you are in that category before you start to take it. That way, you can know if it’s safe for you, exactly how you should be eating it, when, how much, whether you should be altering other behaviors such as drinking more water, avoiding eating it around certain medications and if you should boost certain nutritional supplements to avoid deficiencies.