Celebrity Diets and Weight Loss
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Ahh, celebrities and celebrity diets. You’ve just got to love them! Especially when their weight-loss woes, triumphs, and even just rumors about their weight loss make the news. It’s fascinating stuff. After all, we put these people on a pedestal. We love to see them fall just as much as we like to see them succeed!
Celebrities and weight loss just seem to go hand in hand, probably because of the industry standards they have to live up to every day. We look to celebrities to tell us what’s possible. After all, if they can look great, then we tend to think that we can, too. It sounds ridiculous – and to a certain degree, it is – but it can be highly motivational, too!
Well Known Celebrity Diets
There is of course, no shortage of the gossip about celebrities that have gone down the path to weight gain and are struggling to get back - Kirsty Alley, Carnie Wilson, Oprah, Anna Nicole Smith just to name a few. We watch the Kardashians at every second of their lives because their celebrity diets are often extreme but show impressive-looking results. This is particularly true when it comes to losing baby weight.
For the most part, the stars claim to lose the weight with good eating and working out with a personal trainer. But many celebrities, like many other non-celebrity dieters out there, are also looking for a faster solution to weight loss. These can – and often do – include extreme efforts, detoxes, fasts and diet pills.
Celebrities Who Lose Weight
A Hollywood superstar who has a baby and then loses every ounce of excess body fat inside 4 weeks, isn't exactly a typical example of postpartum weight reduction. After all, Hollywood producers are not renowned for hiring overweight actresses. Yes, there are exceptions - but not many. (Fact: Models are 23 percent leaner than the average). So, an overweight film actress or TV star isn't exactly motivated to lounge around next to her Beverly Hills swimming pool, eating butter popcorn and tubs of Haagen Dazs.
The Celebrity Diet Method
With their next 7-figure payout dependent on them regaining their pre-pregnancy shape in the shortest possible time, it's no surprise that many Hollywood celebrities resort to untypical or extreme weight loss methods in order to lose their excess fat as quickly as possible.
Here's a light-hearted look at a possible celebrity diet method:
- Have a baby
- Confer with Public Relations people
- Hire nutritionist, chef, therapist
- Hire personal fitness trainer
- Eat next to nothing for 28 days, while doing non-stop treadmill routines
- Miraculously lose weight
- Do exclusive photo-shoot revealing miraculous new lean body (with baby in arms)
- Do exclusive glossy interview and reveal "personal weight loss diet secrets"
- Secure new $5 million film role
- Pay out $250,000 to nutritionist, personal fitness trainer, chef, therapist, publicist, PR company, and personal agent
- Eat 6 tubs of Haagen-Dazs, laugh all the way to the bank.
What Weight Loss Lessons Can We Learn From Celebrity Dieters?
Strangely enough, there are very important lessons to be learned from the way celebrity dieters reduce weight.
- Celebrities have a big incentive to lose weight - Sure, we ordinary people don't have 7-figure payouts to motivate us, but we can easily find a personal incentive to keep us focused. Point is, a strong incentive definitely helps weight loss. So, act like a celebrity dieter and get incentivized!
- Celebrities get plenty of weight loss support - Sure, they may not utilize all the experts they hire but at least they don't make the mistake of trying to lose weight on their own. Point is, all surveys show that support boosts weight reduction. So, act like a celebrity dieter and find as much help and support as you can.
- Celebrities track what they eat – Sure, they may have personal chefs to prepare what they eat, but this means that they are keeping track of their food intake. When you have someone preparing all your meals and snacks, you can more easily keep your eating under control. That said, just because the rest of us don’t have personal chefs, it doesn’t mean we can’t track what we eat and remain accountable for it. There are lots of tracker apps and web-based systems to use. These let us monitor our calories, macronutrients and even certain other nutrients with each meal. By being aware of these factors, we can make the right adjustments each day, so we don’t overeat!