The Body by God Diet
- Lifestyle Based Diets
- Hits: 1559
Grab your bibles and get thumping. Published in 2003 the best selling book Body by God: The Owner’s Manual for Maximized Living written by Florida based chiropractor Dr. Ben Lerner is in his words an “un-diet”. The former wrestler and Olympic coach’s’ faith-based and holistic approach to wellness stresses the importance of eating only that which the good Lord has naturally provided, by deleting all man made food stuffs (anything that has been refined or pasteurized and packaged) and focusing solely on all natural foods.
The Body by God diet consists of a 5 part - 40 day plan (likely a biblical reference to the rain of forty days and forty nights). In the book, the five parts break down into the following categories: nutrition, exercise, time and stress coping strategies (called peace management) and the 40 day plan. Dr. Lerner emphasizes the need for 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times per week or as an alternative 15 minutes per day as long as you have the discipline to do it every day.
You will find Commandments to follow such as no soda, tea or coffee and therefore many find the diet far too restrictive. But Dr. Lerner fully advocates eating only the food that God intended us to as the spring board to a God centered life. The cost of this program is the price of the book which is available on-line.