Beginner’s Fitness Challenge: Do This Every Day to Get in Shape!
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Are you ready for a beginner’s fitness challenge you’ll actually achieve? Looking for one that you’ll love to do? You’ve found the right place. You’ll not only find that this is exactly what you need to get where you’re going, but it’ll be something you’ll be proud of doing along the way. Share your progress on social media and get friends and family to join in!
Why Start a Beginner’s Fitness Challenge?
You’ve decided to get in shape, and you may know a few exercises that you plan to do on a regular basis but getting started just doesn’t seem to be happening naturally. It’s a common problem. Similarly, many people find that they get started for a week or two but then lose their drive. In these cases, a beginner’s fitness challenge can cut through the struggle and propel you forward in your efforts to achieve a fitter body.
It's like a transition from where you are now into the world of physical activity. Instead of trying to dive into the deep end, headfirst, it gives you the chance to put your feet in the water and get used to the temperature. You’ll soon find that you’ve built activity into your daily life. After a while you’ll find yourself ready to keep going by adding new exercises or intensity levels. Before you shake your head, give it a try. You will be surprised!
A Beginners Fitness Challenge You’ll Keep Up
This beginner’s fitness challenge is different from many of the other types of challenges currently circulating through social media. It keeps in mind that you’re new to this. You’re still building your technique, working it into your schedule and increasing your strength and stamina.
By choosing a beginner’s fitness challenge instead of a full workout program or even another challenge that may be above your current fitness level, you’ll motivate yourself, get in shape and prevent injury.
The following should be done for at least thirty days. Give yourself a solid goal and do these exercises every day for the entire time, taking one day off per week to let your muscles rest and recover.
Get Started with Your Beginner’s Fitness Challenge
Do each of these exercises in a row, completing as many as you can in 1-minute intervals, with a 30 second break between each type of exercise. Count how many you complete in each minute and record the number. That way, you will know if you are keeping up the same number over time, or if you are making improvements as the month goes on.
The exercises you should complete for this challenge are:
- Push-ups (regular or modified)
- Squats
- Burpees
- High knees
- Butt kicks
- Standing toe touches
Done in 10 Minutes!
You will be able to complete the entire workout in under 10 minutes, so this is something you can easily fit in to your schedule. Whether you do it first thing in the morning, during the time you’re waiting for dinner to cook, or on your lunch break at work, as long as you fit it in once per day, you’re keeping up with it.
Keep it Going!
After a month, have a look at how far you’ve come and give yourself a reward for having completed the challenge. Then, you’re ready to do it again. Challenge yourself to see if you can complete another thirty days but with improved results! These exercises are great for targeting major muscle groups and can help to turn your body into a fat burning machine. If you wish you could improve your energy and include some fat burners into the effort at the same time, consider trying LIPONITRO throughout the length of your challenge.