Going Gluten Free to Lose Weight: Does It Work?
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It’s the latest craze, and it has many people wondering if you can really go gluten free to lose weight. This is important to consider because of how many trends and fads are floating around these days. Though you may think that eliminating a particular food group or substance can help you to get an edge on weight loss, is that really the right way to go? There is a lot of conflicting information out there, which can make it downright confusing for those who are trying to do all the right things. Here we look at this latest craze and just how effective it can be.
The reality is that there are some people who absolutely need to get rid of gluten in their diets. If you suffer from celiac disease or extreme side effects when you eat gluten, then you should eliminate it immediately. Using the specific gluten free to lose weight approach, however, may not be necessary or helpful. If you find that you get bloated after eating gluten and you have a hard time digesting it, then you may lose weight after you take it out of your diet. If you cut out gluten out just for the sake of doing so, on the other hand, then you may wish to reevaluate. Not only is this unlikely to work in your favor for the long term, but it may also cause you to eliminate food options unnecessarily.
Only For Those Who Really Need Gluten-Free
By getting rid of gluten, you will quickly eliminate any symptoms that you may have experienced if you have a history of gluten problems. Using gluten free to lose weight alone may help you at first, but this progress may be short-lived. Though you may wish to keep it up after experiencing initial progress, you may be very disappointed when you find that the weight doesn’t keep coming off. Gluten is only one substance, and to rely upon its elimination for long-term weight loss doesn’t work for most people. Gluten is a very common substance, and unless you are willing to commit to being gluten free for a very long time, you may be very disappointed.
Using a diet that is gluten free to lose weight only is not a good idea. You need a healthy and balanced lifestyle to take off the weight for good. Simply eliminating one substance, if it isn’t really causing a problem, is not going to do much for you. It may be more necessary to pay attention to additives or processed foods rather than gluten specifically. So be sure that you focus on the real culprits; only go for gluten free in the long term if you really need to do so; and choose appropriate, more holistic methods to help you lose weight and keep it off in the long term.