12 Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements
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When you’re trying to find the best product for you, finding 12 popular weight loss pills and supplements reviewed can feel like a gift. After all, it gives you a full range of products to consider. A great deal of the homework has already been done for you.
This type of resource can help you to compare the various diet pills. It can also help you to know which products to discuss with your doctor, too. It is always recommended that you speak with a physician or another healthcare provider before making this type of decision. This is the case even if you don’t intend to use prescription medication.
The following are some of the most commonly used products on the market. Have a look at their claims and top points to help decide if they might be right for you.
Popular Weight Loss Pills
1 – FENFAST 375
FENFAST 375 is one of the most popular weight loss pills and supplements of this year. Many dieters enjoy the speed with which it works. This product is manufactured in the United States. The pills are produced in a cGMP facility.
The ingredients in this formula are all clinically researched. Its thermogenic and metabolic support ingredients help with achieving weight management goals. It is designed to be used alongside a healthy lifestyle including nutrition and fitness. The added energy it provides makes it even easier for users to power their way through each workout.
2 - Naturewise CLA 1250
Naturewise CLA 1250 is one of the most popular weight loss pills and supplements based on a single ingredient: conjugated linoleic acid. That substance has a growing body of research to support its use. Science points to CLA as a promising weight loss supporter. That said, it also has a range of other possible health benefits.
Customer reviews for this product are consistently positive. The primary challenge with this product is in the fact that it contains only one active ingredient. Moreover, the strength at which this ingredient is used has been known to cause certain mild but uncomfortable side effects.
3 – 3G BURN
3G BURN is a weight management support product designed with an all natural focus. As such, all its ingredients are completely natural. Furthermore, each ingredient is clinically researched. In this way, users of this burn formula can feel more confident with their choice. It's among the newest popular weight loss pills and supplements on our list.
The 3 Gs in the products name refer to some of the top ingredients in its formula: garcinia cambogia, green tea and green coffee. Dieters appreciate that they recognize and trust these ingredients.
4 - Alli
Alli is a unique diet pill on the nonprescription market of popular weight loss pills and supplements. The reason is that it’s actually legally made out of what is a prescription drug at a higher dose. The pills are about half the dose of prescription orlistat.
Many people struggling to reduce their over-consumption of fat appreciate the assistance fat blockers can give. The main challenge with these pills is that they can lead to very uncomfortable side effects. The undigested fat is sent out with the body’s waste. Therefore, eating too much fat can lead to gas, abdominal pains and frequent diarrhea.
PHENBLUE is one of the most popular weight loss pills and supplements that works as a fat blocking aid designed to help its users to be able to eat more appropriately. It also provides a helpful boost in energy that can have a spectrum of benefits. For one thing, it is far easier to stay motivated when you don’t feel like you’re dragging. It is also simpler to stick to an eating strategy when you aren’t feeling so tired that you reach for comfort foods.
Of course, this all makes it easier to exercise, as well. After all, energy and focus provide a great benefit to being able to keep up a fitness routine.
6 – NOW Foods Phase 2
NOW Foods Phase 2 is a diet pill designed to work as a carb blocker. This product is made up of a single active ingredient, which is the Phase 2 mentioned in its name. That substance is nothing more than a proprietary version of white kidney bean extract.
White kidney bean extract is relatively common in popular weight loss pills and supplements. It has a bit of research to support its use. While it’s by no means proven, the preliminary studies conducted so far show that it has potential.
7 – Meratol
Meratol is a one of the popular weight loss pills and supplements made by the large supplement company, Bauer Nutrition. It is advertised as a type of “advanced weight management complex”. It makes a range of different claims about its potential benefits, from increasing energy levels to decreasing fatigue, bettering alertness, boosting calorie burning and even shrinking the appetite and assisting with the “body’s natural fat excretion processes.”
While its ingredients and claims have made it quite popular, there are quite a few user reviews complaining of side effects. It’s important to speak with a doctor before starting this pill. It is not appropriate for use by all dieters.
8 – APEX-TX5
APEX-TX5 is a diet pill designed to be among the ultimate in energy boosters. It's one of the popular weight loss pills and supplements that amps up energy levels for dieters who plan to use fitness as a primary component of their weight loss. With it, you will feel driven, energized and focused on your workout so you can maximize each move.
With this type of support, you will have what you need to reach and maintain your ideal body weight through healthy dieting and regular exercise.
9 - CBlock
CBlock is a weight loss pill made and sold by Absolute Nutrition. It is a highly affordable diet pill that is meant to help dieters to reduce the absorption of the carbohydrates they’re eating. It doesn’t block all carbs. It claims to stop the body from taking in some carb-based calories.
This is another one of the popular weight loss pills and supplements based on white kidney bean extract. That said, in this case, the pill also contains vanadium and chromium.
10 – Proactol
Proactol is a diet pill designed to work as an appetite suppressant. Its main ingredient is chitosan, which contains fiber. The idea is that it will help to fill the stomach to give a feeling of fullness. However, because it can’t be absorbed by the body, the feeling of fullness isn’t linked with added calories.
It’s important to note that chitosan is not scientifically proven to lead to weight loss, despite its being among the most popular weight loss pills and supplements.
11 – TRIMTHIN X700
TRIMTHIN X700 is a weight management one of the popular weight loss pills and supplements manufactured in the United States. It is a bright red capsule that dieters commonly use to get the most out of their healthy eating and regular exercise routines.
Its ingredients are all clinically researched and it’s known for helping dieters to power up ahead of intense workouts. Dieters who want the best performance at the gym often prefer these pills.
12 – Irwin Naturals Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker
Irwin Naturals Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker pills are an all natural option for dieters. They are meant to block carbohydrate absorption through the use of white kidney bean extract. That said, they also contain flaxseed oil, lipase, cinnamon, BioPerine complex and protease. These enzymes and natural ingredients can support overall wellness, which is why it makes our list of the 12 most popular weight loss pills and supplements.