Weider Fat Burners Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
- Hits: 419
Weider Fat Burners are a type of weight loss supplement that is manufactured by a company that has a considerable number of products in that category, Weider. That health and nutrition company has a selection of options for dieters and is best known because it was founded by Joe Weider, a celebrity in the bodybuilding industry.
Indeed, the fact that someone who is very well recognized in his industry as being successful could be interpreted as a very important endorsement for a brand and its products. However, at the same time, a name is not considered to be the same thing as scientific research, so it is important to take more than just a brand into consideration when it comes to choosing the right weight loss supplement for you.
The official webpage for this product on the Weider website does not provide a lot of information about the product or how it works. It does offer some vague claims and it does include a list of the ingredients that make up the proprietary formula, but this leaves a great deal of the investigating up to the consumer. After all, most dieters have learned the hard way that the last thing that should be done is to blindly believe the claims made by a product manufacturer, no matter how reputable it may be.
The claims made by Weider when it comes to its fat burner is that it will help to enhance the metabolism, which allows a dieter’s body to boost the speed at which it burns calories and storied fats, particularly when used in conjunction with exercise.
At the time that this review was written, the ingredients that were identified on the website as making up the complete Weider Fat Burners formula were: chromium picolinate, green tea extract, kola nut extract, caffeine anhydrous, cinnamon powder, and cayenne powder.
At first glance, there are two things that are clear about this product’s ingredients list. The first is that its effects are likely based on stimulants entirely, if not primarily. The second is that there are ingredients on this list that are not proven. In fact, the top ingredient, chromium picolinate, was specifically identified by the Mayo Clinic as a diet pill ingredient that has been inadequately researched and that there is not enough evidence to stand behind the claims that have been made by their marketers.
It is very important to consult a doctor before beginning the use of Weider Fat Burners.