USN CLA Thermo Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
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USN CLA Thermo is an over the counter diet pill that has been designed to function as a fat burner and that is manufactured in the United Kingdom by Ultimate Sports Nutrition (USN). That company is a relatively large supplement manufacturer that is well known for its vast line of different weight loss, athletic, bodybuilding and wellness products.
That said, USN CLA Thermo is among the products it sells within its weight control category. This is one of a number of its own offerings, and among hundreds in the market as a whole, that has a formula based on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The official website for this product explains that the CLA in this product is sourced from safflower oil. This would be important to many consumers, including vegetarians, as many other products use turkey, beef and some dairy among their sources of CLA. That said, this is not a vegan friendly product, as the capsule shell is made from gelatin.
Conjugated linoleic acid has been studied quite extensively in order to understand many different potential benefits that it could provide. This includes its use in assisting dieters to be able to lose weight. While this direct connection has not yet been strictly proven, there is preliminary research that is looking to be quite promising.
It should be noted, though, that conjugated linoleic acid is not the only ingredient within this formula. It is the first ingredient, but the rest of the formulation – according to the official product webpage – includes: green tea, cocoa, rhodiola rosea, and yerba mate. That same webpage also underscores that the combination of these ingredients results in 41 mg of caffeine per dose. That is important to know as many people experience side effects if they take too much caffeine. This amount of caffeine is about the equivalent to just under a half cup of regular coffee. For most dieters, that won’t cause any noticeable side effects.
In fact, any energy boosting effects from that amount would also be quite mild. That said, because the caffeine level is as low as it is, it is unlikely that a thermogenic effect from it would be strong, either. Overall, anyone taking this product would essentially be relying on the CLA for most of the effects that would be experienced for weight loss. While there is green tea in the pills, the amount per dose, is notably lower than the majority of studies that have associated that ingredient with weight loss.