Solidax Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
- Hits: 452
Solidax diet pills are manufactured by Weight Loss Clinic in the United States, and have been on the store shelves since 2003.* It has supposedly been designed to boost the body’s metabolism rate and also provides appetite suppression. The manufacturer says that this is accomplished without negatively affecting the central nervous system. The claim is that there are specific adrenergic receptors stimulated by Solidax diet pills, and that this speeds up the fat burning by the metabolism without any repercussions to the cardiovascular system.
A Look at Solidax Diet Pills Ingredients
The primary active ingredients in the formula for this product when this Solidax review was written, are:
- Calcium Pyruvate,
- Synephrine,
- Chromium Picolinate
The ingredients that make up the Solidax diet pills formula are extremely common in the nonprescription diet pill marketplace. Synephrine, for example, is an ingredient that is derived from Bitter Orange extract. Many diet pill marketers claim that this ingredient provides a safe alternative to epinephrine. Epinephrine used to be utilized for its ability to increase the speed of the metabolism.
Unfortunately, it also came with dangerous side effects and is now banned by the FDA. Many experts and dieticians have yet to accept Synephrine, saying that it is also an ingredient that comes with a number of risks, as it functions by causing blood vessel constriction. Reputable medical organizations such as the Mayo Clinic have said that it can increase a user’s chance of experiencing a heart attack or a stroke, though they admit that further study is required. With that being considered, it is not an uncommon belief that Solidax diet pills may not be safe for everyone to take.
What Are the Advantages of Taking this Diet Pill?
There are different advantages that Solidax diet pills claim to offer. Among these include:
- Boosted metabolism
- Appetite suppression
Moreover, this product can be ordered from multiple places online and there are a number of reviews available on the web, providing a broader amount of information about this supplement. On the other hand, the disadvantages include the fact that there is no advertised 100 percent money back guarantee for customers who buy Solidax diet pills but who are not satisfied with their purchase.
Furthermore, as one of the ingredients of the product is causing debate among experts regarding its safety, this is also causing customers to balk before choosing it. Solidax diet pills have never been tested in a controlled, standardized study, and the manufacturer does not offer a free sample of the product in order to allow customers to test their reaction to the product without any financial risk.
Is This Product Right for You?
Solidax has been designed for healthy adults who are 18 years of age or older. If you are interested in taking this weight loss aid it would be in your best interest to first speak with your healthcare provider. This is particularly prudent if you have an existing health condition or if you are currently pregnant, nursing or planning on becoming pregnant. It is also important to let your doctor know if you are taking any medications.
This includes, prescription medications, non-prescription drugs, and even herbal supplements. Keep in mind that even if you are a healthy adult, it is always a good idea to first speak with your healthcare provider before taking Solidax diet pills - or any dietary supplement - to make sure it is a safe choice and the most ideal for your weight management strategy.
*This diet pill does not appear to be available for purchase any longer. It may have been discontinued by the manufacturer.