Pearl White Slimming Capsules Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
- Hits: 429
Pearl White Slimming Capsules are a type of over the counter diet pill that are manufactured by a company called Shanghai Yaguangda Biology Product Company Ltd. At the time of this review, neither the individual product nor the manufacturer had an official website that could be found. That said, this product is sold on a very large number of different third party websites, as well as on eBay. It is from those websites that the information for this review has been gleaned, as no official source could be located.
The company’s eBay site does not provide very much information about the product itself or the way in which it should be used. This forces consumers to have to look at sales pages on general diet pill websites that sell this product. This fact, alone, should already make dieters leery about purchasing and using the product. Any reputable manufacturer will provide adequate information so that consumers can educate themselves. Clearly, that is not the case with this company, Magic Potions.
All of the sites that sell the product claim that it uses 100 percent natural ingredients in order to provide a dieter with appetite suppression. At the time of the writing of this review, those ingredients were listed as being: “carefully selected pearls of Tai lake in China”, as well as ginseng, fleece flower root, cassia seed, and flos chrysanthemi indici. It is unclear whether this is a full list of ingredients or whether this is only some of a larger list, as the product description says that these are some of the “natural rare and precious vegetables” contained in the pills.
None of the ingredients on that list have been scientifically or medically tested in order to conclusively prove that they will result in appetite suppression or weight loss. Furthermore, there are ingredients on that list that have been connected with certain problems such as side effects. For instance, the fleece flower root is from a shrub that is grows natively in Asia. Taking enough of that substance can cause or aggravate certain common conditions such as gout, arthritis, and kidney stones. As the websites do not reveal the quantity of the ingredients, so it is impossible to tell whether or not the ingredient is used in safe levels.
Pearl White Slimming Capsules do not come cheaply. A 15 day supply can cost anywhere from $50 to $150, depending where they are purchased.