Nuphedrine Reviews
- Diet Pill Reviews
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Nuphedrine is a weight management supplement that claims to be very effective at aiding in weight loss. In fact, the marketing materials put out by the distributors of Nuphedrine concentrate very hard on their statement that says that the weight loss supplement contains two of the most effective ingredients possible for weight loss pills, combined into one pill. That being said, though there are indeed two ingredients in this OTC diet pill, this neither makes Nuphedrine any different from dozens of other weight loss pills in the market, nor does it indicate that this product is at all effective. Even though the marketing does make it appear as though the supplement is something unique and worthwhile, neither of these is the case.
The Two “Effective” Ingredients
The two ingredients about which Nuphedrine attempts to create so much excitement in its marketing on its official website are:
- Hoodia Gordonii
- Advantra-Z
If there are any more ingredients in the formula, it fails to disclose them in any of their official publications. However, the manufacturer does claim that aside from those two ingredients, there is also Slimaluma (better known as Caralluma Fimbriata), which has a registered trademark symbol next to it. Beyond that, it claims not to contain cheap ingredients or any fillers.
False Claims and Unproven Ingredients
The trouble legitimate reviewers are having with Nuphedrine is the fact that it pushes hoodia as a kind of miracle ingredient. In fact, it has only been the result of media hype that the ingredient has become so popular, and not because of any kind of actual results or positive outcomes in reputable studies. That being said, there are absolutely no studies or supporting research that indicates that hoodia can stand up to its claims of being an appetite suppressor.
The closest evidence hoodia has to indicate that it has any impact at all on the appetite is the fact that the cactus was traditionally used among some desert people in the Kalahari in order to keep hunger pangs under control during famines or long journeys. This benefit has not been seen in clinical studies – especially in the chemical form used in diet drugs, where any impact it would have is significantly reduced. Therefore, any dietary supplement that contains and advertises hoodia among its ingredients should be questioned, not just Nuphedrine.
The other main ingredient in Nuphedrine is Advantra-Z which is a stimulant. In fact, Advantra-Z is better known as bitter orange or citrus aurantium and the stimulant within this herb is synephrine. Some research does support some of the claims associated with synephrine because it is chemically similar to ephedrine but with decreased unpleasant side effects. If you are truly convinced that you should be using Nuphedrine, make sure to talk to your doctor first. Though they will be able to guide you with its safest use, the odds are that they will suggest a safer alternative instead.
Nuphedrine - Update August 2020
If you read the above Nuphedrine review, it will likely come as no surprise to you that this nonprescription diet pill is not available for purchase anymore. It is not known what happened to the product, but since the only mention of the supplement can be found in a few reviews online, it has probably been discontinued.
Nothing Special
There was absolutely nothing special about Nuphedrine when it existed and there still isn’t. That’s because there are numerous weight management aids on the market today that contain hoodia, synephrine and caralluma fimbriata. None of these ingredients have ever been clinically proven effective for aiding in weight loss. Take care not to buy into bold claims made by manufacturers. Always remember that their end goal is to sell their product. However, this doesn’t mean that all creators of diet pills are shady. In fact, there are many reputable companies creating quality products with researched ingredients.
Be Aware and Be Safe
What makes the good companies different from the nefarious ones that create products like Nuphedrine, boils down to not only their reputation, but also what they say about their products, what they claim the products can do, and whether or not they stand by their diet pills by offering excellent customer support and a money-back guarantee. A good company won’t tell you their product will lead to 25 pounds of weight loss in one month and they will also backup their choice of ingredients with clinical studies about these substances. This is one of the reasons why it pays to research the products that interest you.
Finally, remember that if you do have a health condition or are taking medications or other supplements, talk to your doctor before taking OTC diet pills. Even herbal and “all natural” ingredients can be dangerous for some people and/or negatively interact with other substances or health problems.