Lean System 7 Review
- Diet Pill Reviews
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Where you carry excess weight on your body may depend greatly on your genetics and your current state of physical health. Some carry weight on the hips and thighs, and those are people are healthier than those that carry pounds around the middle. There are increased risks with any amount of extra pounds, but weight around the abdomen puts a person at a much higher risk for stroke and heart disease. Lean System 7 claims to address that core fat that you have trouble getting rid of and that may put your health at risk.
Where you carry excess weight on your body may depend greatly on your genetics and your current state of physical health. Some carry weight on the hips and thighs, and those are people are healthier than those that carry pounds around the middle. There are increased risks with any amount of extra pounds, but weight around the abdomen puts a person at a much higher risk for stroke and heart disease. Lean System 7 claims to address that core fat that you have trouble getting rid of and that may put your health at risk.
Lean System 7 may not be the plan for those with a lot of weight to lose. Most supplements are for those with any amount of extra weight, but this one seems to target those that are struggling with those last ten or twenty pounds that want to cling to the core or midsection of the body. If you are fighting with sit ups and crunches trying to get your abs to show, this may be what you are looking for in a diet pill supplement.
You can labor over intense workouts trying to define your abdominal muscles, but you can not exercise for just one spot on your body. Spot training is great, but it does not work like some people would believe. You can define these muscles all you want but they are not going to show through if you are carrying extra fat on your stomach. In order for your hard work to show, you may want to try something like Lean System 7 to target that fat which collected on your midsection.
Lean System 7 claims to help you tone and trim your waist line. It will help you avoid water retention that can make you bloat and look heavier than you really are. It also helps with energy and will give a boost to your metabolism. These are all great things, but Lean System 7 does not put heavy emphasis on exercise. If you want leaner and toned abs, this is a must. That means you must come up with a weight training program and cardio plan that will help you out while taking this supplement.
Review of Lean System 7 Ingredients
Despite the fact that Lean System 7 claims to target abdominal fat, there is no weight loss ingredient that can actually make this claim. What Lean System 7 does contain is a number of herbal compounds that are common in many other non-prescription diet pills. The ingredients in Lean System 7 are: Proprietary Blend (Yerba Mate, Guarana, Green Tea, Dandelion, Advantra Z, 7-Keto, Bioperine) and Fuco-Metaburn (Fucus Nodosus, Pomegranate Extract). A number of these ingredients are sources of caffeine or caffeine-like substances (green tea, yerba mate, guarana) that will give a boost of energy, suppress appetite and increase metabolism. Other ingredients, such as Bioperine, 7-Keto and Advantra-Z also work to increase your body’s metabolic rate. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that will you’re your body eliminate some water weight. Combined with the diuretic effects of caffeine, you can expect to lose your fair share. The only problem with losing water weight is that you will gain it right back again when you stop taking the pills. Also, diuretics dehydrate your body, which can have a slowing effect on metabolism that is the opposite effect you’re looking for. The only ingredients that don’t make sense in Lean System 7 are fucus nodosus, a brown seaweed, and pomegranate extract. There is only one published clinical trial with fucus nodosus and that was conducted with rats, not humans. At best, the results were mediocre and inconclusive. Pomegranate extract is likely added in there because it is a source of antioxidants. There is limited evidence that suggests antioxidants are useful for weight loss.
Lean System 7 and Weight Loss – Does Lean System 7 Work?
Lean System 7 seems to have decent reviews online, but you won't know how it will work for you until you have tried it out. Before you do, discuss the program and the ingredients with your doctor to be sure this is safe for you to try. Some listed ingredients seem to be safe, but you may find that is not true for you if you have a medical condition or are taking a prescription drug. Lean System 7 contains a number of stimulants that act to increase blood pressure and heart rate, thus it may not be suitable to take by people with pre-existing high blood pressure or heart problems.
From this review, however, the main pro for Lean System 7 is that it contains a number of ingredients that have been tested and found to increase weight loss when combined with a lower calorie diet. If you are desperate to lose that stubborn last ten pounds then Lean System 7 may do just the trick with a calorie-reduced diet and lots of exercise.