Apidexin Review
- Diet Pill Reviews
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Apidexin is following in the footsteps of so many diet pills before it – using ingredients that on their own have been clinically studied, but show no proof of being effective when combined together. To make matters worse, a couple of these clinical studies that support Apidexin’s claims for weight loss have been conducted with mice and rats, and not people, which the advertising fails to tell you. All and all, it is very unlikely that you will experience any kind of weight loss remotely close to what the advertising will have you believe is possible.
Review of Apidexin Ingredients
Apidexin contains 8 “patent-pending” ingredients: Fucoxanthin, Razberri-K, Guggul EZ 100, Thermodiamine, Forslean, Lipolide-SC, Infinergy DiCaffeine Malate, and Bioperine. Just so we’re clear here, patent-pending means nothing important at all. This term is just used as a marketing ploy.
Fucoxanthin – Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid that is found in most species of algae and kelp. There have been a few studies that found that a diet high in fucoxanthin can decrease the amount of abdominal fat, but all of these studies have been conducted on rats and mice. Most people would agree that our bodies differ quite a bit from rodents, and basing all this hype on a product that hasn’t had the same results in humans just seems ridiculous. The only related human study that was found for Fucoxanthin concluded that Fucoxanthin, when consumed in the form of Wakame Seaweed has low bioavailability (The British Journal of Nutrition. 2008 Aug;100(2):273-7.). What this means is that when eaten, very little fucoxanthin even makes it into your circulatory system. So in the end, although Fucoxanthin is the next big thing for treating rodent obesity, it’s potential to enhance weight loss in humans is severely lacking.
Razberri-K – On Apidexin’s official website they describe a study that was done with Razberri-K as follows, “In a recent study (Morimoto et al, 2005), test subjects were fed a high fat diet to induce obesity while treated groups were also fed an additional 1 or 2% raspberry ketone. The treated groups gained less body fat than the control groups.” Wow, sounds good huh? Well, I almost died of laughter when I figured this one out. What’s so hysterical about them citing this study is that the “test subjects” were mice, not humans. That is one misleading piece of advertising.
Guggul EZ 100 – There is some clinical evidence that E and Z guggulsterones, the main constituents of Guggul EZ 100, helps to lower cholesterol and stimulate the thyroid. This product may help with weight loss, but it is still not clear what dosage is the most beneficial. As for improving your complexion and getting rid of blemishes, no clinical studies can be found that support those claims.
Thermodiamine – When describing Thermodiamine, Apidexin’s official website describes their supporting clinical study as follows, “In a recent study, (Kobayashi Y et al, 2001) when evodiamine was supplemented at 0.02% in the form of ethanol extract of Evodia fruits in a high-fat diet for 21 days, the body weight, perirenal fat weight and epididymal fat weight were found to be significantly reduced compared to the control group.” Here we go again; Apidexin advertising is misleading its customers. The study they cite here is a study conducted on rats not humans (Planta Medica, 2001 Oct;67(7):628-33.). All of these inflated claims about the effectiveness of Thermodiamine as a thermogenic compound can be tossed out the window until there is a human study that shows similar results to the rat studies.
Forslean – Forslean (also known as Coleus Forskohlii extract) may increase the amount of lean muscle mass your body makes, but there is no clinical evidence that supports Forslean promotes weight loss. There are two human studies that the company who patented Forselean conducted, but neither of them have been published in a reputable journal for peer review. The only study that has been published is one that concluded that Coleus Forskohlii (Forslean) “does not appear to promote weight loss but may help mitigate weight gain in overweight females with apparently no clinically significant side effects.” (Henderson S, et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2005 Dec 9;2:54-62.) So far, Forslean doesn’t look very promising as a weight loss product.
Lipolide-SC – Lipolide-SC, also known as Sclareolide is a compound found in Clary Sage, Salvia sclarea. Despite the very technical description about how Lipolide-SC enhances cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) there is no clinical evidence that supports that Lipolide-SC will aid weight loss.
Infinergy DiCaffeine Malate - DiCaffeine Malate is simply caffeine combined with malic acid. There is evidence that supports caffeine has thermogenic abilities, but research supporting malic acid’s abilities is grossly lacking. Despite the fancy name, Infinergy DiCaffeine Malate is nothing more than a caffeine supplement and it should go without saying that it is NOTHING like ephedra.
Bioperine – There have been some studies that support Bioperine (piperine) enhances the bioavailability of a number of therapeutic drugs. Whether it works for the ingredients in Apidexin is unknown.
Apidexin and Weight Loss – Do Apidexin Diet Pills Work?
Apidexin is comprised of ingredients that have very weak evidence they promote weight loss in humans, however if you are a fat rodent then you will have a much better chance of losing weight with this product. At $49.95 for a one month supply, Apidexin isn’t as expensive as other diet pills out there, but just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean you should buy it. Until there are some human studies that support Apidexin’s claims of weight loss, I wouldn’t even spend a cent on this diet pill.