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Calorie Needs of Children

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Guidelines on children calorie needs tend to vary. American diet guidelines suggest higher calorie intakes for children than European guidelines. Both are therefore included in the calorie tables below. Most pediatric dietitians and nutritionists agree that a balanced diet, containing foods from all main food groups, which contains enough energy to maintain a healthy weight, should meet all the energy requirements of healthy children.


So counting calories is not really necessary. However, for reference purposes, here are the basic guidelines for children calorie needs.


US Guidelines: Average Calorie Needs For Children

Age of Child Average Calorie Needs Each Day
0-5 months 650 calories
5-12 months 850
1-3 years 1300
4-6 years 1800
7-10 years 2000


Guidelines: Calorie Needs For Children

Age of Girl Average Calorie Needs Each Day
1-3 years 1165 calories
4-6 years 1545
7-10 years 1740
Age of Boy Average Calorie Needs Each Day
1-3 years 1230 calories
4-6 years 1715
7-10 years 1970
