Macrobiotic Diets
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What is a Macrobiotic Diet?
The modern macrobiotic diet can be a very healthy regime, even though macrobiotics itself is based on an ancient Far-Eastern philosophy of holistic living. Supporters of macrobiotic diets say that the balance and harmony of the macrobiotic diet and lifestyle create the best possible conditions for health. The diet yields many positive health effects, including a general sense of well-being; and some health studies indicate that people on the diet have a decreased risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer
The basic macrobiotic diet is a meal-based diet that consists of:
50 percent whole grains, (e.g. brown rice, barley, millet, oats, corn, rye, wheat, and buckwheat);
25 percent seasonal vegetables (cooked or raw);
Eat Regularly: cruciferous vegetables, including bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, turnips, turnip greens, and watercress; Chinese cabbage, dandelion, onion, daikon, orange squashes, pumpkin.
Eat occasionally: celery, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, snow peas, string beans.
Vegetables to avoid: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, asparagus, spinach, beets, zucchini, avocado.
10 percent protein foods (e.g. legumes, soy products or fish).
5 percent sea vegetables (e.g. seaweeds like wakame, hiziki, dombu, noris, arame, agar-agar, and Irish moss).
5 percent soups (e.g. miso soup, a broth made with soy bean paste, soups from vegetables, grains, seaweed, or beans.
percent fruits, seeds, nuts and drinks.
What Foods Are Not Included In a Macriobiotic Diet
Meats, eggs, cheese, sweets, spices, sugars, coffee and alcohol are not permitted in a macrobiotic diet. The first three are banned because they are too Yang (hot); the rest because they are too Yin (cool).
The macrobiotic diet may be understood as a nutritional attempt to balance the two opposing forces known as \"yin\" and \"yang\" - forces which Oriental philosophers believe must be kept in harmony to achieve good health.
Macrobiotic Diet and Weight Loss
A macrobiotic diet plan is low in calories, high in fiber and high in complex carbohydrates for energy and regular appetite. For these reasons, a macrobiotic diet typically leads to weight loss or weight management.
Is a Macrobiotic Diet Healthy?
A macrobiotic diet has several obvious nutritional benefits. It is high in natural unrefined foods. It is low in saturated fats but rich in essential fats. However, it may be too low in calcium. As a low-fat high-fiber plan, a macrobiotic diet may play a role in preventing some types of cancer. And the macrobiotic emphasis on fresh, non-processed foods may help reduce or eliminate certain food allergies and chemical sensitivities.