I just wanted to say that if you are planning to make the most of weight loss pills like Phentramin-d, do keep in mind that you need to do more than just swallow a pill. Even if you have a reduced appetite and have more energy and focus, it is still the choices that you make with your diet and your exercise that dictate if and how much weight you will lose. I just wanted to say this because my friend is one of those people that thinks the pill will do all the work for him. It won't. You have to control your eating habits and you need to move. Use these pill to your advantage or you're just throwing your money away and putting something else in your body with no purpose and that's something it doesn't need.
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It takes more than an energy boost
Well said, my friend! I don?t think you were harsh at all! At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you might take to help you lose weight, the only way real weight loss is achieved and can be prevented from coming back is through the choices we make and the actions we take when it comes to what we eat and how much we move.
I don't think it was harsh either. It's the truth. Diet pills, no matter the kind, should never be viewed as a miracle. They only work as well as the efforts you put in. If you want to lose weight you have to lower your calorie intake and exercise. Pill can help you but they aren't going to do the work for you.
Yup. No pill will ever do what dieting and exercising does for your body. Plus, if you're too lazy to make changes to your diet and exercise, why are you even bothering to try and lose weight because you're not serious about it if you aren't willing to put in the effort.
Originally posted by bruceH View PostYeah...I don't get the mindset or thinking that taking a pill will lead to weight loss. Still, it's too bad that it takes so much effort to lose weight that was way easier (and a lot funner) to put on.