How many of you actually research the ingredients in the diet pill formulas that you take before you take them? And I mean every single ingredient.
I'll be the first to admit that I rarely do. I tend to think that they're not dangerous because it's a dietary supplement, but a buddy of mine recently had a wicked allergic reaction to a pill containing chitosan. He didn't realize that it was derived from shellfish to which he has an allergy. After his scare, I started to take what I'm putting in my body a little more seriously. What about the rest of you?
I'll be the first to admit that I rarely do. I tend to think that they're not dangerous because it's a dietary supplement, but a buddy of mine recently had a wicked allergic reaction to a pill containing chitosan. He didn't realize that it was derived from shellfish to which he has an allergy. After his scare, I started to take what I'm putting in my body a little more seriously. What about the rest of you?