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how accurate is the scale?

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  • how accurate is the scale?

    I was just wondering if anyone knows how accurate the scale is on the wii fit board thing. I get weighed in on it every time I start the program, but is it accurate, or is it possible that it is off by a pound or two (or more?).

    Should I use this to gauge my progress or is it a better idea for me to use an actual bathroom scale and just think about the Fit program as an overall guide but not something that is dead on accurate?

  • #2
    I'd use it as a guideline but not as accurate as a doctor's scale. Don't forget that the clothing you wear weighs something different each time, too, unless you always wear the same thing.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by ChristySmiles View Post
      I'd use it as a guideline but not as accurate as a doctor's scale.
      That's pretty much how I feel about it, too. If you really want to know how much you weigh, use the scale at your gym or doctor's office or get yourself a good bathroom scale. The video game is only meant as an approximate.


      • #4
        Scales aren't your only tool for gauging weight loss progress. If you have been working out, you may be losing fat but building lean muscles. Make sure to take measurements of your waist, thighs, butt, arms, neck, etc, so that you can compare. Those measurements won't change as much as your weight, but they're more accurate overall


        • #5
          That's exactly how I feel about measuring weight itself, kok222. I also go by how my clothing feels, and measurements of my waist and other areas that I'm concentrating on losing. It's a combination effort, not just a single measurement.


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