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carbon footprint

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  • carbon footprint

    How much will I reduce my carbon footprint if I become a vegan?
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  • #2
    It totally depends on what you eat and from where it's sourced.


    • #3
      Originally posted by char View Post
      It totally depends on what you eat and from where it's sourced.
      It's true. If you eat avacado's all the time, for instance, unless you happen to live in a place where they are grown, like Mexico...well, that avacado has qutite the carbon footprint attached to it because it needs to travel long distances (e.g. by truck or plane) to get to your food store. That's a lot of emissions compared to an apple that's plucked from the trees of a local farm.


      • #4
        This is true, bu as a Vega you will automatically, dramatically reduce your carbon footprint by choosing not to eat meat and animal byproducts, and not wearing clothing made from animals. Also, you can help to lower your carbon footprint further by choosing to walk/cycle, etc. instead of driving (when possible) avoid flying (when possible, e.g. take a train instead, carpool, etc.) reusing as much as you can, including clothing, bags, bottles, jars, containers, etc. Essentially the less waste you make and the less fossil fuels you use, the more eco-friendly you are, vegan or not.


        • #5
          I agree with what everyone else has said. You'll definitely reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating meat from your diet, especially fast food meats and meats provided in bulk, etc. You also won't contribute to over-fishing etc. Reducing it further is about reusing as much as you can and essentially living a smaller-sized life with your essentials and not with copious amounts of stuff you just don't need, which for many of us, is easier said than done. .Still if you want to lower your carbon footprint going Vegan is a good start and there are many ways that you can live even greener. At the same time, you need to live practically. Making too many changes at once can be overwhelming.

          Also when it comes to living greener, listen to scientists, Greta Thunberg and others who are actually practicing what they preach. Try not to listen to uber-rich celebrities (e.g. actors, musicians, etc.) who preach about reducing carbon footprint and going vegan, and this that and the other thing...I just personally feel they don't have any business talking about living eco when meanwhile, most of them are travelling around the world in heavy polluting airplanes (private jets or not), they live a super-disposable lifestyle with the amount of clothing they own, etc. etc. live in massive mansions, own lots of cars, etc. Don't get me wrong, if they want to live that way that's their choice...just don't preach to other people about lowering carbon footprints...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Penny View Post
            I agree with what everyone else has said. You'll definitely reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating meat from your diet, especially fast food meats and meats provided in bulk, etc. You also won't contribute to over-fishing etc. Reducing it further is about reusing as much as you can and essentially living a smaller-sized life with your essentials and not with copious amounts of stuff you just don't need, which for many of us, is easier said than done. .Still if you want to lower your carbon footprint going Vegan is a good start and there are many ways that you can live even greener. At the same time, you need to live practically. Making too many changes at once can be overwhelming.

            Also when it comes to living greener, listen to scientists, Greta Thunberg and others who are actually practicing what they preach. Try not to listen to uber-rich celebrities (e.g. actors, musicians, etc.) who preach about reducing carbon footprint and going vegan, and this that and the other thing...I just personally feel they don't have any business talking about living eco when meanwhile, most of them are travelling around the world in heavy polluting airplanes (private jets or not), they live a super-disposable lifestyle with the amount of clothing they own, etc. etc. live in massive mansions, own lots of cars, etc. Don't get me wrong, if they want to live that way that's their choice...just don't preach to other people about lowering carbon footprints...
            I agree with everything that you've said. I find that people who want to reduce their carbon footprint are not aware of the bigger picture and are looking for one thing to blame and if they stop doing that one thing they're making a huge difference, but it's not just one thing, it's many things. And yes, big-name celebrities really shouldn't preach about living green. They can be vegan and avoid all the plastic bags and straws in the world and they'd still contribute to a higher carbon footprint than the average person.


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