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Academic experiences with Tech U?

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  • #16
    For someone who has always preferred to learn independently, this university is what you need. moving at my pace, revisiting topics I didn't quite understand and moving fast on what I already know is great. have a great day.


    • #17
      Hi, I love how this college encourages self-discipline and responsibility. I feel like I am learning more about how to manage my time and prioritize my tasks, in addition to the course content


      • #18
        Now that I've finished, I realise that this type of education is not for everyone, but for someone who wants to have total control over their time and learning process, it's an amazing option. It's a lonely road, but a very rewarding one if you know how to take advantage of it.


        • #19
          When I studied here, one day I was inspired, I would spend hours on it, and if another day I didn't feel like it, I would take a break without feeling bad. This motivated me to keep going because I studied with enthusiasm.


          • #20
            Hi Kristtina, being self-taught was a challenge, but also a super liberating experience. Now that I'm done, I feel that I took away much more than a degree. I took with me the ability to be the master of my own learning, and really, that is priceless.


            • #21
              Look, I'm not going to lie to you, I studied a master's degree in digital design with them and at the beginning it was hard for me to adapt to this self-taught university. With no one to tell you what to do or when to do it, then the responsibility you have is quite high but you have the security that you actually learnt. Greetings to you!


              • #22
                Studying at Tech allowed me to adjust my schedule to suit my life, not the other way around. I could study in the morning, afternoon or evening, depending on my day. This was key for me, especially when I had other responsibilities. I didn't have to sacrifice my personal life to fulfil my education, and that made learning more enjoyable and sustainable.


                • #23
                  Here you don't get everything on a plate, you have to find it for yourself. But that's what I like the most, because you get stronger in the process. In the end, when you manage to pass a course, you feel that you really earned it.


                  • #24
                    Not having people to study with made me learn to trust my own judgement more, which has been very useful in my professional life. It also allowed me to develop greater autonomy and adaptability, qualities that have helped me to face challenges with more confidence and make decisions with more clarity. I now value much more my ability to solve problems on my own, which has been key to advancing in my career. it's a good experience, my friend.


                    • #25
                      Graduating here was one of the best decisions I made. The learning platform is intuitive and the resources are always up to date, which helped me keep up to date with AI and marketing.


                      • #26
                        Hi Dude, he experience was challenging but rewarding. I learned to be more self-disciplined and to manage my time efficiently, skills that I continue to use in my career.


                        • #27
                          I have just started and I am already fascinated with the methodology. It's great to have total control over my learning and to be able to access all the materials from anywhere.


                          • #28
                            Hi, the good thing is that you go at your own pace, that is, you don't have anyone pressuring you. I did it quietly, combining work and classes. Of course, you have to organise yourself because if you don't, everything comes at you. But, crazy, when you finish, you realise that you learnt more than you thought you would. I got a lot out of it!


                            • #29

                              This experience has given me a sense of empowerment that I had not found in other educational environments. It made me realise that knowledge does not depend on a system, but on oneself.


                              • #30
                                The quality of the content is excellent. The topics are well explained and each lesson comes with clear examples that make it easy to understand.


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